Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

ueIlion flitted. by Arminius, as unto theextremeharfh opi- nions of Pifcator, Gomarus, or whomfo- ever. So that-by joyning your felf with the Remonftrants, you have as clearly for- faken the doarine of the Churchof Eng- land, as ofBeza, Zanchiús, or Pifcator. The defcription of their opinionwhom you term Soblapfarians, will not agree unto all who rejeft the conditionate Predeftina- tionand Reprobation of theRemonftrants. For manywithS. Auguftine &our Church, condemne this as erroneous who notwith- ftandingmake noabfolute decree adjudging men to hell-torments with an excNding of all preconfideration offin: But they grant an abfolute decree of not effetually freeing many men from their eftate ofSinne, and an abfolute decree of permitting many men to want the joyes of Heaven, and an abfolute decree ofpunifhing fuch mens forefeen fins voluntarily committed and voluntarily con- tinued by eternall torments in Hell. Thofe who are paffed-by in the eternall decreeof God arenot by any force of the decree left without the benefit which the Scriptures promife upon condition of re- pentance, no more then thofe whomGod hatheternally eleied areby virtue of that decree freed from the puni(hment which fuppofing their impenitency muff light upon them . Notwithftanding the abfolute eter- nail 29 F