Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

The Abfelute porteth thofe whohave fubfcribed to the xviithArticle not to fuller it to be obliquely undermined. rreati f . 3 xe4fon III. The (a) Infamyof it. It is an opinion ( efpecially iNFAMIE. as it is;defended the upperway) odious tothe Papifls,opening their foul mouths againft our Church andReligion; abhor.. red (mainteined either way) by all theLutheranes,vv ho for this veryTenet call us damned Calvinifis, think usunworthy to be above ground, and in their writings proteft that theywill rather unite themfelves to thePapilts then to us : And`it is alfodiftatlfull to all the Greek Churches,vvhich are very many. Molin in his Anatomie, (peakingof the Supra. 1 main. lapfarian Do&rine, faith, ' Ifit thould be fo that God hath 4eat,./Irm. reprobated menwithout the confederation of finne, or hath c. i a. de ordained them to finne, yet it is the part of a wife man to iY én_ conceal theft things, or not to know them, rather then to m Zi a enun- ciata injici- utter them; ?" Becaufe when they are taught anddefended unt fcrupa- they fill mens heads with fcruples, and give occafion to the los, &anfam adverfaries of defaming the true religion. The fame may as præbenE ad- trul be laidof the Subla Carwan wa "For as 1 have (aid verfariis in- Y P ° Y ' ) famandi theyare in fulpftance all one. And Sr Edwine Sandys is of the veram reli- fame mind too For inhis mote excellent Book called ASur - g1bnem. veyof the fiate of religion in the rveftern parts ofthe world, Sandy,ya 'f it ,pag . deadly (peaking of the divilion between the Lutheranes and a7z. Calvinif}s in Germany, he hath there words, That though the Palfgrave and Ludtgrave have with great judgement and wifdome, to asflake thofe flames, impofed !Renee in that part to the .rlinillers of their party, hoping the charitie and difèretionof the otter partiewould have done the like ; yet it falleth out otherwife : For both the Luth.erane preachers rail as bitterly againft them in their pulpits as ever, and their Princes andpeople have them in asgreat BeteRation, not for- bearing to profeffe openly, that they will return to thePapa- cy rather then everadmit that Sacramentary and (B ) Prede(linarypeftilence. For thefe two points are theground Of the quarrel, and the latter more fcandalous at this day then the former. And iathe Came book, pag. I94. and 198. (peakingofmenwhose he commendeth for fingular learning and