Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Iob:32,4.%. THE EPISTLE DH DICATORII±, downewith the canndn-fhot of Gods threatnings9 the high fortsof their proud prefumption, and rou. zing them out of thé deepe ¡lumber of retchleffe fe_ curitie ; as alto by railing vp and comforting thole that mourne in Sion, ¡looping, yea lying grouelling vnder the heauieburthenoftheirfinnes. The which howfoeuer it is performed by many, in refpea of theirfeuerall charges committed to them ; and fome allo haue briefly touched fome points in writing, which concerned the comforting and raifing vp oftheir private friends ;:yet not any (that I knowof) hauein ourlanguage: largely andgenerally handled thofe controuerfies,andfpirituali conflias betweene the Chrifiian and the enemies of his faluation, for the commongood ofthe wholeChurch. And ther- fore hauing with Elihu long-waited to fee if thofe who were more ancient, better experienced, and more richly furnihed with Gods gifts and graces thanmy felfe, would undertake this worke, which is to Godmoflacceptable,and tohis Saints and chin. dren fo profitale and necefiarie : at length after o. thers long filence, I refolued to fpeake, and no lon- ger toconcede fuck true comforrs,as God bath re- taealedvnto me ; to theend that hereby I might re- leeue and comfort thofe who are poore in fpirir,and humbled in the fight of finne ; or at leanbyoffering willingly to thisvfe my fmall mite,' might giue an occafonvntoothersbetterable,tovnlockeand open their rich-treafuries, that theymay bellowvpon their poorebrethren theirgreat talents and gifts of better value. The which my labours as Idid not rafhly vn-e dertake them,foI hauenot fuddainelyfinifhed them; for almoíl three yeeres Pince I purpolcd to take this work