Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

`. "e OfSatan' Irf tageml:. vaine wnorl(that he fvalloweth it downewith©tut all loath-. ' fomneffe, and neuer talleth the bitterneffe thereof, till the heat ofGods fpírit doccaufe it worke inhis confcience,fo as he is neuer at mil tit he haue call it vp againe byvnfained re- pentance. Otherwife if hee be not preuented thusbyGods fpirit,Satanwill by this meanes caufe his confcience to fw<aI- lowand to digef+ filch loathfotne finnes, which in former ''" times he abhorred to fee others commit. And as thofe who' from their infancie are accuflonied to take poyfons in finall quantities,doe enable their f+omackes todigef+ more,,till by longcuflome and increafing the quantiticbydegrees,it be- contmeth fo familiar to their flomackes, that inRead ofpoy- foning them theyare nourifhed thereby,asHiflories doe re- cord of force of the Indian Kings : £o Satan inticeth vs to fwailow downe the poyfonof finne at the firfl in fuch finall quantitie,that our confciencesmaynot be ficke thereof: but hauingwell digefled the leaf+, he increafeth the meafure till by long cuf+ome he hath made it fofamiliar to our confcien- ces, that thofe fins are euen meate anddrinke unto vs, which t th.e lira we loathedas deadlypoyfons. Now ifwee.would defeate this policie ofSatan, wee mull eontinuallie watch euer our. owe hearts, and pull them backe whenwee fee that they but incline vnto any finne ; we mull not lightly efieeme ofany finne, nor willingly giue intertainmentto the leaf+wicked thought : for though in it felfe it be not hainous, yet ir:will inlarge ourconfciences andMakeróotne foragreater,tilat lafi we keep open houle, readie to receiue all wickednes which offereth it felfe vnto vs; and as wee arecareful! toauoide the finnes thetnfelues,fo with as much diligencewee are to fhunne the occafions and meanesbywhichwe might be drawne,or indeed thereunto. bap. i But ofthispoint more hereafter. §.Sea. 2. A thirdpolicie which Satanvfeth to circumvent vs, is to Satans third bringvs from one extreame to another. For example, when policie in we fee the vileneffe ofprodigalitie, fo as wee will no longer aîrawinn men o ®utofone p e offeffedofthat vice,then will Satan make it as odious as ex- t 3rcame into c he an,& indeuour to-bringvs intoextreame hatred thereof, nnothero that fohe may the moreeatilydraw vs into thecontraryvice of