Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

s THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOKE. THE CHIEFE POINTS HANDLED in the firftBooke. CHAP. I. TT/at all Godsferuantsare offaultedwith the f irituall ene. mies oftheirfaluation. P4g.11 That theflrongfaithwhere? fniorldlings boß, is nothing elfe but fecuritie andvaineprefumption. 3. 4 Thar Gods f ruants may rather hecomforted than d:fmaied by heaJJaislts oftheirfpirituall enemies. CPAP. II. «hyeodfufereth hisfsruants to be exercifed in the fpirituall conflitt oftentations,namely, forhis owneglorie, and their tterlaftinggood. CHAP. ITT. *arguments toencourage the wears Chriftian to enter into this fpirituall corzfiii. 'ITT. CHAP. . Ofthemalice ofour ßirituall enemie Satan, ioyned with vi 16 lente undfaljhood, and howwemay withflandit. CHAP. V. Ofhis firength, courage, and audacioufnefe, and how weemay withftand them. 23 CHAP. VL OfSatana aides ;andfirg ofthe "-rorldd 31 1-low theworldtempteth byprofperitie, and how Wee may refill thefe tentations. Jsì'e it tempt eth by aduerftie, and of the rneanet »thereby rywee