Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

146 Thatdoubting ofGods hue isperniciont to our felues; our Sauiours blood is a foueraigne falue to cure all other fotes cfíînne; yet this it cannot helpe, becaufe it doth refufe the cure,andas it werepulleth offthisprecious.plaifer when it is laid on it.. Se.B Butas thisdii}ruaing anddoubtingof Godsloue is iniu- outs vetohim, fo all() it is pernicious vnto our owrie foules. o.cbcing of fl firfl it tormentethour mindes, and fettethour confcien- Gods loin, per > > núious vnto cesvpon the racke, When as wee haue no other affurance of qi rfeluet. Gods loue, but only fofarre foorth as wee finde our felues worthie ofit : for fooften as wee fall, and the fight of our finnes commeth before our eyes, hauing no other ground ofGodsloue but our ownedeferts, wee doubt and flagger like a !hip toffed with thebillowesofthe fea, and in the end fnke into the gulfeofdefpaire, beingouer balancedand too heauily ladenwith thevnfupportable waight ofour finnes; whereas ifweewere throughly perfwadedofGods five loue and goodwill, grounded on his owne good pleafure, and not 'onour worthineffe,ifwee did fall we wouldbegrieued indeede euen at the veryheart, becaufe wee had difpleafed our gracious God and lousing Father; but yet our fnnes would not make vs defpaire or doubt ofhis loue towards vs,becaufe it is not grounded onour worthineffe, but vpon Cods ownefree mercie,grace,and goodwill. rbat wecan- Secondly, ifwe doubt and diflrufl ofGods loue towards not loutGod,if vs-we !hall neuer loue himfrom .our hearts : for who loueth we bane no a¡- him intirely, ofwhofe loue hee. is not erfwaded?orwho can pranceofbis Y p iouesovvards . performe the duties ofloue to fuchan oneashateth andab- vs.. horreth him? Cos amore amen, Loue is the whetf}one of loue. And ifthis be true-amongfl men,then much more be 14/044, tweeneGodandvs : for the lone him lecatife he loudvs firft, as theApof le faith, r:Ioh.4 19.As therefore the cold (lone canofit felfe call foorth no heate,till it bee firfl warmed by theSunnebeames, and then it refleheth againefome of the heateWhich it receiued : fo no more canour cold hearts cafl anybeanies of:heartie loue towards God, till theybee war- medwith theapprehenfionofhis loue towards.vs, and then theybegin to returne foine fparkes of loue towards God, after they ,are inflamed with the beamesofhis loue cleerely íhining e