Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That doubtriig o f god's lotteispernicious to ourRues. 147 Miningin them. Vnleffetherefore wee be affured of Gods loue wee cannot loue him, and confequentlie cannot per- forme any dutie ofloue inobedience tohiswill : for -as loue is the fulfillingof the Law, as it is, Roma 3:8. fo the want ofloue is the tranfgreffing ofallthe commandements : for all coníïll in ,.the loueof God, which is the fountaineofall trueobedience; andin the loue ofour neighbour,which as a-fpring iffuethfrom it.Nay,w,vhen we defpaire ofGodsloue, thendoewe defpaire ofour faluation, and thereforehauing no hopeofhappineffe in the life to come, wee are readie to feekeal thepleafures and delights which this lifewil affoord vnto vs,giuingour felues ouer to thefatisfyingof all the fl- thie lulls ofthe flefh, and fpcnding our times in all Epicu- rifine and fenfualitie. Laflly,our doubting and diflrufting ofGodsleue doth ouerthrowour patience in the time ofafflilion,and caufeth vs to mourneand repine againfl God, blafphetning him to his face; it hindereth all Chriflian refolution in'fuffering any thingfor the NameofChritl ; for how fhouldwee fufferany thingpatiently forhis fake ofwhofe loue weare not allured? Itmaketh thedayofdeath horrible, when as we arenot per- fwaded that wee (hall render vpour foules into thehands of agracious father,but into thehands ofafetiereIudOEe:wher- as on the other fide, when we arc throughlie pert 'aded of Gods loue, thenmay wepatieutlie,yea ioyfullie füffer all af- flidions, becaufe wee know that they are but gentle trials, andfatherly chaftifinents,which our gracious Godcloth in- fliet onvs for our euerlafling good : when we arcperfecuted for our proféflîonofthe Gofpell,wcewill triumph with ioy, becaufe wee are thought worthy to fulleranymiferie for the NaineofChrifl, who hath laid downe his life for our fake : when the dayofour departing appror_heth v'e reioyce, be- caufewe delire nothingmore than to be diffolued,and tobe with Chrifl,who fo tenderly loueth vs. In a word,coine pro- fperitie, come aduerfitie, come affliecion,coine perfecution, come fire, come fword, come life, come-death,nothingcan come amifl , nothing candifinayor difcourage-vs, ifwee be once fullie allluredofGods loue in Chrift, both becaufe our L z loue Rom.i3.8k The tranifold sails which ac._ compasiieour doubtingof Gods loue,aud thebenefits which follar ourpetfwaßon thereof Aft.1.14. Phil.i, zl.