Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Myth. za.tOc . Efa.6r.i z.;. §;Se8.5. Gods deare¡t children îrsó- iect to fßarttual RfflLtlott. lob S. lob6.4.8c 9. 17.18 $ct. 24b6.&1.6. 9,8:156i 1.. 16% Spirituallafflic"liosstww infalliblefzgne.t ofGodihatreet flonie hearts, therefore doth hee plow and team them vp like fallow ground, to the end that the feedeofhis grace be- ing fowné in themmay takeroote, fru6lifie andbring forth a plentifull haruefl ofgodlines, to his glorie and our con- fort. It is not therefore for want oflouc, that our heauenly father doth thus brutevs andmen crufh vs in peeces; it is not. becaufe he wil reie&} vs and cafl vsoff:but whenwe aretruly humbled, when our hard hearts are foftned, and our fpirits broken andmade contrite, then will bee regardvs and thew his tender loue andmercifull "kindneffevnto vs as bee bath gracioufly prornifed,Matth. r 2.20.7he 6rufedreede trillhenot breake, and fynoringflax/hallhee not quench. SoPfäl n. 5 i . i y. ThefacrificesofÇodarea contritefiirit. a contrite and broken heart OGodthouwilt not de//rte. And the Prophet telleth vs that our Sauiour Chrifl was fens into the world to preach glad tidings vnto thepoore, to bind vp thebroken hearted, &.c, to comfort al thatmourne, t ogiue them beaaate for allies, the oy-.'e ofioyfor mourning, thegarmeut ofgladnesfor thefiirit of heauinés &c. as it isEfa.6i.r.2.3. Luk.4 18. Lat}lie, that the affió}ions ofthe tninde, the apprehenfion ofGodswrath, thefling of Pinne, and torments of confci- ence, are not amie true and certaine fgnes of Gods hatred, hereby it plainelie"appeareth: in that the moil dearechildren ofGod haue been fubie0 to them,and that in great meafure. For óxample,tob whobyGods own téflirnonywas the iùflefl man that liued on the earth,Iob 1.8. notwithfiandingwas fo grieuouflie affli&cdboth inbodie and mind, that hee bur- .fie thout into thefegrieuous complaints,Icb6.4.7 heaYra.-e,s ofthe alms htie arein mee, the venime r. hereof doth drin,'e vp my [kirk, and the terrorsofGodfightagainfl mee. And chap.9. vert. r7.11e de/lroyethme mitt; a tempeft and u; eundeth mefrith out canfè. 18. Hewillnot Enfer me to takemy breath,butfilleth sre ?rich 6'tterneffe. So, c.13.14; Wherefore hideftthou thyface and takefme for thine eneíìte ?'And v.26. "Thom is >ritetbitter thingsagaíní mee, and make: ft. me topoßeffe the iniquities efmy youth..And 'c.r 6.9. " HMwrathhath torneme,and hehatethme ,etndonafheth upon méwith his teeth ; mine enemie bath lharpned bto "tics again fnee And,c, ip i r:..Hee hath kindledhúwrath' ergain!.' .. _act :