Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Spiritualloflitions no infallible fignes o fGadshatred. 161 againfl meandcountethme íme o f hás enemies. Looke altovpon the exampleofthe Prophet Dauid, who .thoughh : were a man according to Gods own heart;yet was he made todrink adeepe draught in thiscup ofinward af}7i ¿lions, &was vexednot only outwardly in hiseflate,goods, andbody,butalto in his foule,with the fenfeofGods wrath, with the waight offin, and the terrors and torments ofcon_ fcience,which made him to vtter diefe and fuch like pitiful complaints in the booke ofthePfalmes;Pfá1.6.3. Mÿ ¡ò.:leis Pfalm,6.4; 4'o lore troubled : but Lordhoar long wilt thoudelay ? Andbv.6. Ifainted in my mournin!r Inaafi ray bed eatery night to fu'im, andwatermy coachwithmro teares. SoPfal.38.2.7hive arrowes Pfalm.; 8.244 bane light upon mee, andthine handl:eth ponmee. 3. There is nothingfoundinmy.fleAbec, ufe ofthine : neither z there any ref/ inmybones becauf ofrnyfnne.4 For mine iniquitiesare gone osiermine heaLandan a r-aigh. ieb;trthen they xre too hea_'P1 81.7,I,ß,. atefr'. e. &c. And .Pfa?.88.7.7hineinitn.zti herb z'pan rne, i ,o. and h.:uh-'/ vexedme,»,ith thy r-auer. And-v.14. Lord,:: by doe! thou reiert my roule, andh ;de,1,2 thy facefrom tyre ? "15.rarm ezjß.:sedan '.L: thep9tt ofd l frommyyouth fìtfer thy ter-, rars, doubti;;0,rmy l¿F:. 'a 6. indi? 'ationn goe otter me, and th.y feare harh cut me off:. So in-the 77.Pfàimehé taketh vp Pfahn.77.7:g4 this:lamentáble complaint : verf.7. Will the Lordabfnth:nr- 9.10. fetfe forewer ? andwill hefhe:vnomorefauour ? 8: Is hismercy cleane,geneforeuer?doth hzspromifefaileforeuermore?9.Hatb Godforgotten to bemerciful/? bath heePhut vp his tender mer- cies in dífjleafure ? i o. e4nd IPaid, this is mydeath. Looke alto vpontheApof}le Paul, who though hee were a ehofen veflel,whomGodhad feparated from his mothers wombe Aft 9.11: tocarrie his name before the Gentiles, as it is A6 s9. 15 zCot 6 Gallat.i.i5 ; yet was hee afflieied grieuouflie, not onelie 6 4 .8, outwardlie in bodi.e, as hee profeffeth 2.Corinth.6.4 5.6. 7.8.4&c. but alfa inminide; for the incffengcr ofSatan was rent tobuffet him, andhee had along time a pricke in the 2. Cor. t :.7.8. flefh, from which couldnot bee frecd,though hee often begged this fauour at Gods hand, as appeareth, 2. Cor. 12.7.8. And the burthen of finne grieuouflie affli&inghis confcieuce, forced him to crie out,Rom.7.z4. O wretched Rom.7. ÷.. M z man