Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

4.Sá`í. ç. That the true Chriflian may receiue com- fort byfeeling thef/'iritrcall conflirt. Iieuel.ta.t 7. 6 Thatall thegodlyetreaf farsltedwith tentatson:. hath acleere current carieth them whollie into a fea offinne without any flop or refiflance,and therforenomeruaile they feele not this fight,when the fpirit which is oneofthe coma batants hath noforce norrefidence inthem. Secondly,Gods children who continuallie feele the aft. faults oftheirfpirituall enemies; and fee thebreacheswhich are madein their-fóuleswith thecontinual' batterieof their temptations,may receiue no final1confólation hereby,when as theyconfider that all who profeffe themfelues Gods fat= uants, and refolue toferue the Lord inholines°& righteouf nes,are thus tempted and tried. For the Dragonis Wrothwith the woman (thatis,Gods Church)and her f ede which keepe the commandements ofGod,andhaue the tefimonie o f lefuChriit ; as is Rettel. z.i 7.and likeatoring lion feeketh theirdeflru- ¿lion,becaufe theyhaue renounced him,and fight under the flandard of the Lordofboils whom hec maligneth : and hence it is that whileft we liuewithout fenfeoffrn, wee Bate and drinke and takeour eafewithout diflurbance, but after we make any confcienceofour waies and cndeuour to ferue theLord, then Satancaflethagain-1 vs thefirie darts of his tetnptations,andwe feelemanyconSsbetweene the flefh and the fpirit; with which the worldly man is:neuer trou- bled.Sothat when-weare thus tempted andaffaultedbySa.. tan,the world,and our corrupt flefh, it is afirong argument to-perfwadevs that wee are intertained for Gods fouldiers, andhauereceiued the preffe monieofhis Spirit; for Satans kittgdome is not diuided,neither doth hefight as infl thofe whoare his friends and feruants,but againfl thofe whowage warre againfl himand fightvnder the Lords flandard. True it is, that when his feruants haue committed fuch abomi- nableand grieuous fnnes, as haue made deepe wounds in their feared"confciences,whereby theyare awakenedout of their fleepielethargic of,fecuritie, then Satan filleth them with horror and c'efpaire, that hee may keepe them from true repentance,when he canhide from them their-finnes -no 1o11gcr-;hand the Lord in his-iuft iudgement, and for theex- mapleofothers, doth fuffer Satan to begin in them the tor. scentsofhellin this life; but ifbee canbyany meaneshide their.. r