Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Thatallthegodlyareal j"aultedWith ttntatiens, 5 ,peace withGodnor the peace of confcience which makes them thusquiet, for thereis no - (fuch)peace, faithmy Clod, to thetbicked,Efa.57.2I.but it is a peacewhich they haue made ECa. Ç7.2t. withSatan, a couenant withdeathand an agreement with hell, as the Prophet fpeaketh : Efa. 8. i 5. When the bong armed Ela,i8.r;. manSatan (quietly) kecpes thehowfe, the things that he poff. r- loth-are in peace; but rhl rj rwithout poffeífe htn,he will neuer lofe his poífeílion a fight, andwe cannot chufebut feele the blowes in fo íharpean en- counter : Luk.i i.2i.Ifamanneuer enter the field to fight a- Lott. tt.t r. gaina Satan, or ifat the firft encounter lice yeeld himfelfe prifoner,and be content tobee tied in the pleating fetters of finne, it is nomaruaile that hee doth not rage inhis confci- encc,when as aireadie he is in his captiuitie roadie to per- forme all thofe workes of darkenes wherein hee imployeth him:but ífwhenChrifl the Redeemer is preachedvnto them byhis Ambaffadours, they would thew any dcfireofcom- ming out ofhis thraldorne, furely this fpirituall Pharaoh Would neuer lofetheir feruicebutby force and compulfion, neither can fo fironga manbe forced but wee mull needes feele the confli6t. While theprifoner lieth in the dungeon, loaded with bolts and tied in chaines,the keeper fleepeth fe- curely, becaufe heknoweth he is fafe ; but ifhisboltsbeing filedoffandhis chaises loofed, he haue efcaped out ofpri- fon, then theTaylor beginneth tobuffle and purfueth him fpeedilie with Hueand cry : fowhilef+ Satanholdeth vs im- prifoned in thedarkedungeonofignorance,loaded and tied with theheauie bolts andchaises offinne,, hee is retchlef e and fecure ; but ifour Sauiourby his Arnbaffadours in the preachingof the word, loofe and vnburthen vs of thefe chaises andbolts,and by the light ofhis Spirit fo illuminate the eies ofour vnderf}anding, that we fee thewayout ofSa- tans dungeon ofignorance, and fo efcapeout ofhis capti- uitie, thenhe rageth againfl acrd purfueth vs,asPharaoh did the Ifraelites, that either hemaybring vs backe againe into his bondage, or elfe deftroyvs,ifwe make refiflance.Laílly, they feelenot anyfight between theflefh and the Spirit,be- 'caufe the flefhwhollyruleth them, and like a flood which 83