Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ß6 Ofthemaliceofour f iritstallenemieSatan. 'land thefe fonnes ofAnakim: foras one faith ; Nemo hicnon En- vincet nilqui vincerenoluit : Euerie one fhall beaconqueror chitmifit. who defireth the conquell. For ifwewill be the Lords foul- diers,he will not fuffer himfelfe tobe fo much difgraced,as to let vs beouercome byhis mortalienemies. He hath ar medvs himfelfewithhis owne armour, and fent vs out to fight hisbattailes, and thereforehe will nothauevsvanqui- fhed,being fortifiedwithhisflrength,for fo fhouldhimfelfe be ouercome in vs, and his weapons would bee efleemed weake and infufficient.Y_ea hebath ingraftedvs intohis own bodie, andweare liuely members thereof, and therefore let vs neuerthink that all thepower ofhell fhal be able to ouer- comevs : for what head can with patience fuffer his found members tobe pulled fromhisbodie,ifhe be able todefend them? . Cbrrft. CHAP. IIII. Ofthemaliceofour#irituallenernie Satan. §.Sea.i. Nd fomuchconcerning the reafons which may encourage vs to vndertake this combat. Now we are to fpeakeofthe fpiritual warfare it fell, wherein(as in al other warres)we are to confi- der ofour preparation to the confliél, and the confli&l it felfe. In our preparation we are firft toconfider of the (late, qualitie, andcondition ofourenemies, andofour 'manes howwemay withfiand and ouercome them. Concerning the firfl,in an enemiewho proclaimethwarre againil vs,we are toconfider two things : firf} ofhis wil,and fecondlyofhis power. For ifhe haue will to hurt vs and no power, he is not tobe greatly regarded;ifpowerand no ma- litious andvnreconcileable will,he is notfomuch tobe fea- red; but ifhispower be great and puiffant, andhis will mali- tious,then is it time to looke about vs,and to muffler all our forces, that we maybe readie to endure the incounter. . Firfl therefore concerning thewill ofour grand and arch , enemieSatan, ifwee confider thereofaright, wee (hall find that