Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

r Ofthe World. 3T 'wicked conipanie, whohaue inticed them. by their words and euill examples to tafle oftheworld &thevanities ther- of,wil not flicke to fwearewith thefwearer,and follow their pleafures on the Lords Sabbath -with the mofl prophane ? fo hard a thing it is to refill theworld when it faunethon vs. But howhard foeuer it feemeth to fle fh and bloud, yet §.sea.z' muff_ we oppofe our felues againfl this enemie alto : for Howwe muß without afight weecan neuer obtaine vi.ó}orie,andwithout refit the temp vi6lorie we fhall neuerreceiue the crown ofglorie. And to tationso1pro the end that we maybeprouoked to fight againfl theworld fperitie. and thevanities therof,we are toknow,that though it faune vpon vs, yet it is ourmortali enemie; though it flatted nglie profeffe it felfe our friend,yet in truth it fighteth againfl our foules under Satans banner, for hee is the prince thereof, loh.t2.3s: John 12.3 1. though it haue honie in the mouth,yet there is deadlie poifon in the taile, for the.end thereof bringeth de- Ilrution; though it offer vsmany pleating things to allure vs,yet theyarebut baites which inticevs tocome within the compaffe ofSatans nets ofperdition. Let vs confider, that though it make a fhew, and feemeth a pleafant place like the paradife ofGod, hetit is a Sodome offinne, whichone Gen, day theLordwill deflroywith fireand brimflone : and ther- fore let vs with righteous Lot haft out of it:neuer turning backewith ádelire to enioy the vanities therof, for theworld z.Ioh.S. ¡p. wholly lieth inwiclzednele, as it is i .Ioh.5.19. Let vsremember that it is impofiible toferiae Godand this Mammon ,Mat.6.2 . _an_24, to loue the world andGod alfo : For ifanyman loustheworld, the loue ofthefather is not in him, i .Ioh.2.15. and as the A- poflle lames tellethvs, Theamitie of theworld is enmitie with Iam.4.4. God: and 1 hofoeuer?bil bea friendoftheworld,maketh himrelfe theenemyofGod,lam.4.1.Neither let vsdelire the loue ofthe world,forit ¡aneth thofeanch e which areherovine, asfor thofe Ioh. r 5.í9. whomChrifthath chofen out ofit, thofe the worldhateth : nay thereforehateth thembecaufe Chrifi hathchofen them, as it is Ioh.I 5.19. Let vs remember it wilbe to fmal purpofe toenioy thefe worldlypleafures offinnefor a feafon,and in the endplunge our felues into euerlafling death; that theworlds muficke is D but