Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

;4 Ofthe World; but the Sirens fotig,which allureth vs tomake íhipwrack of"' ourfoules on the rockes of finne, and while it tickleth the care it woundeth vs to the veryheart ;that though the cup which itoffereth bee ofgold;and thedrinke fweete in taf}e,, yet it is deadly poyfon in operation ; for they that drinke thereofare fo lulled afleepe in pleafures and fecuritie, that theyneuer awake out oftheir fpirituall lethargie ; or if they doe, yet like Samprn, withoutflrength to real the fpirituall Philiflines, after the world (likeDalthi bath lulled them a while inher lap ofcarnall pleafures. Letvsremember, that they who drinkeofthis cupofvoluptuous vanities, mull af- Ptalm.75.i. terwards drinkeofthat cup fpokenofPfal.ys. 8$. that is, the cup ofGodswrath ; and hall bee tormented in fire &brim. x.'4.10 ;Bone for.euerrnore,as it is vsre, méber that the worldschiefe good is vncertaine ingetting, and momentanie andmutable in thepoffeion,it beingcue.- rie day readieto leauevs, or wee to leaue it. Iaf}ly,let vs re.k member,that forthis fhort,inconflant;and vaine ioy, we lofe an eternall waight.of vnfpeakable glorie, and plunge our felues intogrieuous andendleffe miferie.What - thereforewill itprofit vi to.g4ine tire whole world, .ond loft our Dronefötslea? a our Sauiour fpeaketh,Mark.8.3ß; And ifwe haue thefemeditationscontinuallyrunning in ourmindes,then íliall weeafily flopour earesat the firf} hea.. ringofthis Syrens fong;then fhall we conflantlygo forward in our pilgrimage towards our heauenly hoine : and though honours (landbefore vs,riches ontheone hand,pleafures on the other,alluring s to enterinto the broadway which lea- deth to def}rub}ion'; yet lhall weenotforfake'the flrait path which leadeth veto lifeeuerlaling,howvnplcafant foeuerir feemeth to flefit and blond.. §4651. o 3 But ifthe world cannot thus preuaile, then doth fhe turne now the world her finiles into frowns,her allurenients into threats,her beds temptethby ofpleafures, into miferies and afllic` ions,hergïorious offers sderftie.. ofhonours and riches, to proud menacingsofpouertie and ignominie; all which being terrible in the eyes offlcfh and blond fo farre preuaile with fome, that theymoue them to make.íhipwracke_offaithandagood confcience; andbeing vvca-