Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Heb. 7s.6:7.8. rob. 5.19. Hab.ü.25.7.6. Mateh. dauk.ó.ti.a5. 4414 17. - G Ofthe Fle,%. it behoueth, vs to arme our felues againft the violenceofthis enemie alfo, 1eí1 buildingour houfes vpon the fands offe- curitie theybeouerturned,when thewinds ofafllielions and floods ofaduertitie and perfecutionblow and beate againft vs.And to thisend weare to retnember,firfl.that thefe father_ lycorrections are euident teflitnonies toallure vs that we are not bat-lards, butGodsdeare children,whom he gently cha- flifeth,that.wweemay not be deflroyed with the world; that nowChriíl hath chofenvs out ofthe world,feeing theworld hatcth vs ; that now wee are the friends ofGod,when the world (Satans eldeft fónne)becomrneth our enetnie : for fo long as we are ofthe world theworld louethvs, for it loueth her:owne.Secondly,let vs continually remember the recoin- pence ofreward,& then Thal wewith Mops volütarilychufe rather tofuller aduerfsty with thepeople ofGod. then toentoy the pleafures offinfor a f eafon; e/feenvng the rrbul,eof Thri greet.. ter richer,than the treafiiresof gypt,as it is Heb.ii.25.x6.Thé (hall we endure to be tried andpurified in the fornace of af. fliclions,ifwe know that after we are found to be pure gold, the Lordwill lay vsvp inhis treafurie of cuerlaflinghappi- nes. Laftly, vs remember,that eternal] bleffednefle is pro- mifed tothofe that mourne with a godly forrow,and eternal woe denounced againft thofe who pamper themfelues with worldlydelights, Matth.54. Bletedare they that mourne,for they (hallbe comforted. So vert,ro. Bleffedare theywhichtufer perfecution for righteoufne(fefake, for theirs is the 1Zngdorne of heauen. Luk.6.21. Wed areyewhichhungernow,foryefbalbe fatisfiel : blette areyee that treepe non; foryeefhalllaugh. And verf.2 5 Woe be vntoyouthat are full,foryeThalhumer:woevn.. toyoss that now laugh, forye ¡ha'llvaileandn'eepe. And left the tedioufneffe ofour troubles fhould difcourage vs, or the waight ofthempreffevs downe, the Apoftle tclleth vs,that they arebut light and tnomentany, caufingnotwithflanding VIMvsa far remoll excellent and eternal! waight of glory, 2.Cor.4. r y. Why therefore fhould this little fpot offoule way, caufè vs toEland flill,or goe out of our courte, which leadeth to euerlaflinghappines?..