Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Irk' O f thefpirituallarmour. 4 But as we are not fecurely to rufh into thefieldoftempta- That we mul Lionagain[ ourfpirituall enemies, fowe arenot when they not cowardly found the alarum to battaile, and alfault vs, cowardlie to flee in the a. ca(+downe our weapons and to runne away : for the Apo ritual confit .. í11e wouldnot takeaway from vs true valour and Chriflian fortitude, but carnali fecuritie and retchlefneífe; and there- fore thoughour enemiesbemightie, and the time of temp- Cation full oftrouble,yet hebiddeth vsnot tocall offour ar- mour and to runne away,whollie dcfpairing ofvi&orie, but he exhorteth vsfor this caufe, to take vntovs the whole aro mour ofGod, that wemay bee able to refit+ in the euill day, and hauing finiíhedall things may flandfa(l;.thatis,hauing put our enemies to flight and obtained the vietorie, we may like conquerors fland laffin the field, as it were triumphant- ly infultingouer them =; wherebyhee intimateth thus much, that if wee will take vnto vs the whole armour ofGod,how vveake foeuer weebee inourfelues, yet {halt weebe enabled to reliaour fpirituall enemies in the euill day; andnot onely fo,but alfoobtaine vietorieand triumph ouer them. And thereforehet willeth= vs not bee difinaied, neither 4,sea. 4. withour enemies power, nor ourowne trouble, but to fland That eueryewe to it,faying,verf.14. Standtherefore:by which word he inti mull abide in matethvnto vs diuers duties : fir{+,as in the campe eueryman his votationi appointed him, andhis proper colourswider whichhe-is tokeepe him; fo al Chriflian fouldiers haue their f+ations,that is, their vocations whereunto they are calledof God, within the limits whereofthey are to containe them- felues :and thefe are fir[ their generali calling whereby they are intertained into the Church militant, which is Gods campeor artny,where they are to fight vnder the flandard of their Captaine Chril+ : and fecondlie their fpeciall callings, whereby there is appointed to euerymemberofthemilitant Church,a certaine flauding,and particular and proper duties and funéhonswhichhe is to execute, as it-is in the armies of earthlieprinces. Firft thereforewemull containe ourfelues withinour generali vocation and flation, that is, wee mull.' keepe vs inGods armicandcampe, the Church militant : for asxhofe. ílragling fouldiers who depart from_ thearinie and range