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The nete/fitie ofthe iirituall ammo. What is meant by the euill day. Pfal.41. I. EpheC q6 OfrhrfPrituagarmoar: not Puffer hisworkmantaip &gift tobe fo much difgraced; as that SatanIhould pearce thorow it and wound vs. Forthe Lord knoweth the forceofSatans darts,andbulletsoftemp. tation; and hehathmade his armour highproofe;and there- fore firong enough to repell all the batterie ofSatans fug- geftions. And that we maybe the rather flirredvpwith all care and diligence toprouide and buckle fail tovs the armour which heafter defcribeth,hee fheweth theneceflitie thcreof,byde.. fcribing the dangeroufneffe ofourenemies,who, beingnot fletaandbloud, but principalities, powers, worldly .gouer_ nours, princes ofthe darkneffe ofthis world,and fpirituall wickedneífes,which are inhighplaces,cannot poffiblybe re- fiftedby our owne ftrength and meanes. And(therfore)for thiscaufe hewillethvs to take.vntovs the whole armour of God, that we may be able to refill in the euill day,that is,the timeof temptation, which is therefore called the euill day, partly becaufe therein Satan tempteth vs vnto cull, and partly becaufe it is a time oftrouble,aduerfitieand afflióion, whenSatan fifteth vs with his temptations. And thus the euill day is taken Pfalm.4i.r . TheLord trilldeliuer hire in the euillday, (that is)as our tranflation alto reades it in the time ofrrouble.And thus alfo it is vied, Ephef.5. i 6. Redeeming the timme,4ecatere the-daies areeuill, that is, full oftroubles and af- fli6ions.And therfore 3'eta doth tranflate in this place4 4 imie= T ,44144, temporeduerfo, the time ofaduerfitie. Bywhichwe learnenot to efteeme our fpirituall fight asa May-game, but as a time oftrouble and aduerfitie, wherein we are affaultedby mightieenemies, and oftentimesfoiled andwounded; and therefore we muff notvoluntarily runne into temptations, feeing the timeOfthem is euill and full of trouble;but rather feruently prayvnto the Lord that heewil notleadevs into-temptation,confdering our owne weaknes and our enemiespower ; or if it pleafe him to maketrial' of vs, that he wil not fuffer vs to fal therein,but that he wil der. liuer vs-from euill,for asmuch as the kingdome and power andglorie is his alone,and therefore he is ofpower fufficient to faueanddeliuer vs. But