Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

TheEpifile Dedicatorie,. prices of thefebate and coppercoynes, and bringthem to their owne value; by{hewing that thereis no excellencie & true worthin them,but onelyas they (crue forthe prefent neceflìtieof our earthlyRate, and to furnish vs in our trauaile towards our heauenly countries thenwould there manyandgreat benefits bee hereby deriuedvntovs. For if we could contemue the world andworldly vanities,as things oflnall worth,thenwould they not beas heauie clogs tohinder vs from runningthe Chrif ian race, andfromafcen- ding in our meditations, into Gods king- dome, to take poffeflìon for theprefent of our heauenly inheritance with ourmindes and thoughts,till our foules and bodiesdoe come thither: thenwouldwenot Puffer them to take vp all our cogitations, care, fludie, and labour,about the getting or preferuing them, fo as wee haue little or no time left to performeferuice vntoGod; or ifat all wee doe it,yet withmuchdiflraäion andpertur- bation : then would the tentationsofthedi- uell haue no power to draw vs into Clime, wanting this wages of iniquitie,and there al- luringbaites, wherewith hee inticeth vs to come