Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That worldly afedooneandpolicie is tohecontemned. 79 whileft hec embraced, andlidos, who by kifling, betrayed. The flood of their malice is alwaies finoothefl where it is deepef},and where forTome wrong, either receiued or ima- gined, they intendgreater milchiefe, there they vie molt complements,of capand knee, faire words and kinde em- bracings ; becaufeaccording to the rule oftheir politikes, Profe/faoda profeffcd hatred lofeth opportunitie ofreuenge. Yea fo far toning vitdil1e are they in loue with this deeps diflimulation, andout ofli- Locum. king with Chriflian fimplicitie, innocencie and finceritie, which is oppofed thereunto, that in their language, fimpli- citie andfollie are all one, and fooles arevfually called by the nameof innocents. Yea focontrarie are fimplicitieand puritie to worldlywifedome,that the Aponteallo oppofeth theone to the other, laying, that he had his conuerfation in the worldinfimplicitieandgodlyparents, andnot inieflily wife- a.Cor.r.i a. dome; implying thereby,that thcfc two are fooppofed, that theycanby no meanes rand together. Vnto this wee may adde their trecherie and treafons, as 4,Seîf.tor chide pillarsofworldly policie, whereby they arereadie to That worldly betray all thole that trufl them,and to cut their throateswho r ifedome is haue put their lines into their hands, and chofen them as groundedoa fanftuaries ofrefuge; to fallifie their word and promifes; ireafònieand confirmedby many vehement proteflations, bitterimpreca. tions, and deepeoathes; when as either atthefrfl they in- tended nothing leffe, or afterwards finde thatthe perfor- manceof their promife will notnand with their profit and aduantage. In which trecheries they are fo flelhed,that they acknowledge no friend(hip; nor regard the neeren kinred, but without refpec`tofperfons, tread all vnder foote, which rand in their way, and Reme to hinder their wicked de- liignes. The which their treafon and villanie being difcoue- red, loth not at all daunt themin theircurfèd courfes, but one Minnie occalioneth another, and when they haue no other reafon ofdoing wrong, they wilt rill doc it, becanfe they haue done it; andaccording to their pronetbe, whom they,haue once injured, they will neuer forgive; but adde one wrong vnto another ; like cruell cowards, rill kee- pingdowt:e him whom theyhaucvniufllyouerthrowne,lcb} riling