Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

To theChri(Han Reader. heur,andto cotttemnealldanger,efpecially feing they haw tbepswerofGodto aftfithem, andhis gracious promi ¡e, that if they willbee hi,fouldiers, they/hall alfobee conque- rours;iftbey willbutfiiht, theyfhall affuredly ouercome: fóafaJhould itincite all Gods fatthfull mtnifters, who are appointed by bim to bee in this fpirituall warfare,notonly fotddiers ,tofight in their atoneperfons, but alfo the Lords captaines to teach,guideanddirelt, both by wordandex- ample,thofewhoare committed to theirchar;e,yea as math as in them lnth the wholearmie of the Church militant; thatthey afo be careful/ anddiligent to teach the ignorant the Loyds march,the difcipline ofhiawarre,the orderofhis baitelf4/idhow tomanage theirfpirituallweaponsfar their deft aduantage : that they hkewtf incourage andharten thewhiteliuered,andfre/hiwater Jouldier tothefight; that they rouze vp thefluggifh, byoftenfounding in their cares the serriblethunderofGods threats, and thefweet tunesof hispromfcs;_thattheymoderate the heate, andmitigate and reftráine the defperate áoldneffe ofthole, whO are o- uercariedin their blind eale, with ]irituall wifdome and difcretion, which areotherwife apt in themfelues tobee in- trappedwith thefubtiltii,and tofall into theambujhmettis of'their enemies,totheirviler ruineanddeflrutlion. Being therefore called through Gods vndefrued grace to thisfunttion,lthought itmydusk, befides my other la- bours inmy mini Merle, toattempt this-worke; the which l acknowledge might haue been math better atchieued by fume ofthe Lords great Worthies, vnto the leaffdegreeof whofeflringthandexcellencie 1haue notattained : but be- ingby them either otnitted,or but by the way, as famefpeci- alloceal'on required, 'briefly touched ; I thought it better, notrvithflandingmygreat weaken ,to 'undertake it, then that itfhouldbewhollyneglelled ; andby doing in this the Lords