Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

120 Beautiefetteredfrom truevertue, is to becontemned. flrengokes,although theybe thicke withfairegreene leaue,, and tallinfiattere,yet theyBearenofruitfitformen,but onlymeate to feedbosses : uhereas the vine creeping on the earth bringeth foorthpleafantgrapes. §.SeE1.7. The reafons why wee fhould e(leeme it bale, andofno ofbeautie e es worth without vertue,òr in companion offpirituallgraces, od by realms, are,fir(l,becaufe God doth foelleeme it;for he looketh not firß,becaufe to the outward fhape and countenance, but principally GddeFteettned, regardeth the heart, and the inward beautieof themind. it not. And this the Lord (hewed to Samuel, when he was fomuch in loue with Eliabs beautie, and goodly perfonage, t linghim not to look!, onhis countenance, noron the height ofhis ffature,feeinghehad reftefedhim : becaufe Godfeeth notasman feeth; for man looketh to the on: a'ardappearance, but the Lord beholdeth the heart. But how little the Lordvalueth his gifts ofbeautieand outward ¡hale, may appeare by hismanner ofbellowing them; forhe referueth them not,as fpecial and chicle iewels for his owne children andferuants, but astri- flesQffinall value, hemaketh them common to the wicked and reprobate,who arebut flaues and enemies. And thus he inriched Saul with alarge portion. thereof, ofwhom it is x.Sam.9.z. laid, that he matagoodly youngman anda faire,fo that among thechildren -oflfr.ael, theremu nonegoodlier then he; fo Ado., z.King. t.6, niah had this gift in great meafurc, who is Paid tohaue bin a verygoodly man. Ande.,/bfolan, though hee hadnot the birthright,nor theblefling ;yetin this hada doubleportion, 2..Sam.14.25'. forin all therenar none tobeefamuchpraifedforbeautie ashe; fromthefole ofhisfooteto the .tepefhisbead,,therena: noblemij2 in him. Fromwhence it appeareth,.ohow (mall Pulchritude worth in com arifon this beautie is feein ithathbin fo is dendo- plentifully belowed onfuch worthleflé men: towhich ur- qusdem des do- P Y p num eft :fed pofe one faith, that the beautieofthebedie is indeedthegift of proptesea id God,but hee bath therefore bellowed it on the euillalfe, left is largitur etiam mightfeeme to thegood,tobe 'fattygreatvalue. Yea,hee bath malts ne mug- b nur bonumvi- ellowed it on the brute creatures as well asmen; and ther- dentarbonis, fore howfoeueritbegood,yetitexceedeth notabrutilhex- Augu(i.deci- cellencie. To this purpofe one demandeth : art thou (faith uit.dei.lib.rç. he)farreandbeautiftoll i' why,,this. isthegleryofdawes,andnot of ,