Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

t.Sam.17.45. §.Sec?.q.. Bodilyfirength cannot deliuer vs`rom evils and inruemera- b'e dangers. Pfalm.33.16. Philip.4.t3. r 4a That bodilyffrenQth is of fmall:rorth andexcellencie. owne flrength, but alfo was at defiance with God himfelfe, and railedon the holy one of Ifrael. Finally,letvs confider that this vaine flrength wherinmen trufl, cannot deliuer them from thofe innumerabledangers and cuilsvnto which our fraile life is daily fubie6l:foras the Pfalmi l} faith,The King isnot fattedby the multitude ofan hoff, neither is themiQhtie man deltuered by hisgreatflrength: it cannot defend them from the iudgements ofGod in the day ofhis vifitation,nor from the furious afh,uitsofthcir fpiritu- all enemies when they encounter them : it cannot keepe a- way fickneffes and difeafes, much leffe deliver them from the power of death : yea rather it expofes men to danger, their flrength miniflring vnto them more incouragement and boldneffe to run intoperils, then power and abilitie to efcape or ouercome them; for feldomeis there any fo llrong, but that atone timeor other he meetes with oneas ableas himfelfe ; and though there benone to match him, yet (like (Milo) he may he catched in his owne trap, and his owne firengthmaybe the caufeofhis ruine, whileft his pride ma- keth him to vndergo a greater burthen then hee is able to beare, &to attemptmatters whichareaboue humanepower to accomplifh and performe. And therefore feeing this bo- dily flrength is vaineand momentanie, vnprofitable,andof- tentimeshurtful! and dangerous : let vs notglorie in it, nor coo much valueand efleeme it, but rather let vs delire to be powerful! in the inner man, andtowaxe ftronger in all ver- tuesand fpirituall graces ; but efpecially let vs carefully de- fire to bee firengthened with the power ofGods might, whereby (astheApofile fpeaketh) we (hall be inabled todo al things, and to (land manfully inthe dayofbattaileagain(' all the cruel! ,affanits ofour fpirituall enemies, with Allred hope ofvi6tory: which will eafilyouercomevs notwithflan- ding ourbodily firength, if this fpirituall power and fecret vertue of Gods fpirit do faile and forfake vs in the time of trial! CPIAP.