Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

The Contents: g. 4. Worldymifedome is to be contemned, firft, becaufe Godofee meth it not. 74 g, 5.7-hat the dinellisthe aut hourofworldlywifedome. 75 g. 6. Worldy wifedome refembleth Satan in malicious oppofinga- gainfl God. 75 §. 7.7hat thewifedomeoftheworldis fooliflineff'e withGod.. 76 §. 8. Worldlywifedome ioynedwith lyingandvntruth. 78 g, 9. Worldlywifcdomegronndedvpon djmulation anddeceipt. 78. g. to. Worldlywifedortcisgrounded vpon treachery and treafon. 79. §. xi. Worldlywifedomepropoundeth wickedends, 8o §. 12. That worldly wifedome hath bene alwayes embraced and much efleemedin theworld. 80 §. r 3. That worldly wifcdome vnderflandeth not the fpirituall thingsof god. 82 §. 14. The reafon why worldly wfedome vnderflandeth not the thingsofGód. 83 g .15. Worldly. wifedome doth not certainlyaffure menofthe vain thingsofthis life. 85 §. 16. god turnethworldly wifedomeintofoolifbnef fe. 86 S. 17. Worldlywfedome hindereth the fruition of f irituallbene- ftes. 87 S. i 8. Worldlywifedomedoth notpriuiledge menfrom Godsfeare- full itsdgements. 88 5. 19. That worldly wifedome bringeth with it muchhurt. 88 5. 20. Othercullsinto which worldly wifedomeplungethmen. 89 5.21. That we areto contemne worldly wi fedome , and to labour after that-which is diuineand fßirituall. 90 CHAP. X. That worldly learning feucred from true godlineffe is tobe contemned. g. r . That learning in it owne nature is good and very commen- dable. 91 S. 2.That worldly learningbecommethsuit! vnto vswhenit is a- bufed. 92 b 3 , S.3.That