Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

The Contents. §. 6. That it Ic Ion/awful/foryr todefirefuperfuirie. 227 §7. Defìre offuperfiiiititie is afgne ofdiffidence aiddirulf in God. 228 5.g. wemay notpray for abundance, and therefore not &fire ir. 228. §.9.Ofthe right vfe ofriches inregard of their pofejon: that wemuff return theprafeofthem veto God. 229 §. 10. That wefancTli fie them to our vfe , by theword , andprayer: and thatwe do not fer our heartsvpin them. 230 §. II . That wemuff be contentedWith our elfate, andbe willing to frane our riches when Godraleeth themaway. 23 . §. i 2. That wemuff carefully take heedleft ourriches become Sa- tambaitesandfnares. 233 §.13. Ofthe lawfull vii ofriches in reified of their difpofin, and bellowing. 234 §. r4. Riches are well bellowed when with themwe relieue the poore. CHAP. V. Ofpleafures, lawful!, ciuill, andcarnali; which are to . be defired; andwhen to be contemned 3c fhunned. §.1.0f diuinepleafures. 237 S. 2.Diuinepleafures are much to bedef :red. 237 §.`3.0fnatatrallandciuillpleafures, and that they are in their own naturegood , butin rerfeaof vs, ofanindifferent nature, andas they arevfed. 238 §. 4. Honeffpleafureswarranted by the Scriptures. 239 §. 5. Naturallandciouílpleafures feriaeto good ends andpurpofes. 240. §. 6. Tharveto vs pleafuresare of an indifferent nature , holding their goodnefeonely when theyare wellvred, vntowhich le requiredthat ourperfonsbe tuffifed. 241 5.7. Wemull notouer-value them, nor immoderately ifeU them. 242' 4.8. Our pleafures themfeluer muff be moderate, and referred to their lawfullends,fir/! to Godsglory. 242 g.9. Ourpleafures mull be referred to the good bothofourfoules andbodies. 24 3 §.io.We