Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

ThéConteurs; §.14.O f thefiiirituallkingdome which euery onefJould labouraf- ter. 358 5.15. That we are to labourafter thekingdome ofheauen. 3 59 CHAP. XIIII. Ofthe worthleffe vanitie ofworldly riches. S. -. That worldly richesare to be contemnedas vaine andworth_ le1fe. 36o §. a. Ofthe vanitie ofgreat lands, andlarge Lordfhips. 361 §. 3. Ofthcvanitie ofgoldandfaluer. 362 S. 4. Thevanitie ofrich jewelsandcoilyfurniture. 364 §. 5. Ofthevanitieofîtmptuous buildings. 368 §. 6. The vanitieofa numerousfamilie. 37i CHAP. XV. Ofth evanitie ofcoully andbraue appareil. S. That rich and coJly appareil is lawful! to thofe whoare of highplaceandcalling. 371 5.2. That their appareilfhouldnot bebufeandfordidour, which areofgaodgualitie. 377 5.3. Ofthegreat abufeofapparelthroughexcusebrauery. 377 5.4. Oftheabufeofappareilin reJeEl o f cofilinef e. 378 §. 5. Oftheabufe ofapparell, in ref iel! ofafhions. 379 S. 6. Oftheabufe ofapparellinreel!oftheends therof , whichare hone/lie andprofite. 38! §.7.Oftheabufe ofcofiy appareil in re#e7 of the common vIe thereof. 382 5.8. Reafons todijfwadeai from abufes in appareil , becaufe God hashforbidden this exceffiasebrauery. 383 S. 9. TheoriginallofapparcllAmidpreferuevs from takingpride init. 384 5. to. Thatexce/lue brauery in apparellmisbefeemeth ChrjJlians. 385 5.! 1. That thisbrauerybath init no worth or exce(leney. 387 S. 12. That in this brauery we haue no preheminence before thole who areofbafecondition. 388 . 5.13 .That thisexceluecol# inapparelclothnot better the wearers 3g9 c 2 S.4.That