Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

The Contents. CHAP XXVI. That though with all our indeuours we feeke for worldly things, we arenot Cure to obtaine them, 5.I.Thatworldling: often farlein theirdefire:, andloof, all their labour. 53z § z.That theworldand the Princethereof abufe their fauourites withfelfepromifes. 584 §. 3.That thoughmenbe often deceiued, yet they moretraufl Satan andthe world,then Godhimfelfe. 586 §.4.That worldling: dooften by their too earneft labouring loop the f uite oftheir labours. §.5.Ofthevncertaintyofobtainingworldyhonour:. 591 §.6.7hat too carnet?fee 'nghonoursmallet mento loofe them.59; §.7.Therightwaytofeeketruehonour. 594 6.8.Thegreatvncertaintyofobtainingworldly riche:. $96 §.9.Ofthevncertaintyofobtaining worla4pleafures. $98 §.io.That Irma), be ofuredtoobtaine fpiritnallgraces andhen- uenly ioyes ifwe trulyfeeke them. 5.11.7-hecertaiostieof obtaining eternal[ioyesby theftthat feeke them,posed. 601 CHAP. XXVII. Thatthe world andworldly things are momentany and corruptible. §.I.That theworldiscorruptible andfhallend. 603 §.z.Thatwe 'Tumidnot fetour hearts on theworld, betaufcitis corruptibleandneare an end. 6o5 5.;.That allworldlything:aremomentanyandcorruptible, 6o8 §.4,Thatwe cannot fecurely enioy worldly things, andwithout feale oflooftng them. 609 5.5.7hat the corruptibilitie ofworldly thingsfhouldweave our heartsfrom theirfond loue. 610 5.6.7hat worldlyhonours aremomentanyanduncertain. 61z 5.7.7hat worldly richesaremomentanyand tranfitory. 6I5 S.8.719at riche: are daily indanger o floofing ; andthat thegreater lof e brings thegreatergriefe. 617 §.9.7hebeltway toprelim richesfrom loo/ing. 619 §.1o,That