Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

The Contents. we may bePaid to fee him with our bodily eyes : andthat on himwee(hall haue theknowledgeofall dinine myfie- ries. 903 §.3.Ofthat communion whichwee fall haue with God in the Dingdome o fheauen. 906 § 4. That our communion withGod fhallhemuch more excel- lent andperfe/h then it is in this life. 908 §.5.0fthe excellent fruits tbhich sillaccomparie our commu- nionwith God: and namely,that he willbe unto vsall in all. 909 CHAP. XI. Ofour perfe& loue ofGod ; our vnwearied delight in prai- fing him ; our perpetual! Sabbath; continual! ioy and reioycing in the fruitionofGod : and ofthe eremiticofall this our happines. §.i.Thatwe (hallmollperfe/ly loueGod ; andbemolthappie in this our lone. 912 §.2. That allour delight (hall be to fingcontinually the praifes of god. 911 §.3. That we (hall keepean eternallSabbathuntoGod. 917 g.4. That in our heauenly happines we Thal haueall ioy,comfort, peace,andreioycing in God. 918 §.5. That the ioyes ofheassen(hallbeeternal& euerlafl ing.9 21 CHAP. XII. Of the vies ofthe former do&rineconcerning the ioyesofheauen. §.I. That wefhould fpend our time rather ingetting affurance ofthefe heauenly ioyes, then in curious inquiring after them. 9 3 §.2. That the dificultie inobtaining the ioyes ofheauen fhould notdifcouragevs,but make vsmore couragióus intaking pains. 925 S.3.Ofthe meows whereby we may beaffured to attainOnto ourheauenly ioyes. 9 7 §.4. The conclufson ofthebooDe,enforcingfrom that whichpath beenfaid,thecontempt oftheworld. 93o f1 a