Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Of the dangerottfresofmorldyprofperitie. 33 plainly appeare, ifwee doebut confider, how farre it cxcee -.That theflare deth the danger of the hate oppofed thereunto, aduerfitic ofprofperitieis and af aion.Forwhereasaffli6tionbeinganopenenemic,mwebmored;n- terrible in appearance, and makingPhew at the fiat fight of germ then the all his forces, and fomctimesofmore then hebath, letting jtiae ofadwrr- beforevs fhadowes, in flead of fubflantiall enemies, doth makevs more careful! and watchful! to prepare and arme our felues,that wee may make refihance:Profperitie is afe- cret traitor,whichhideth hatred andhohilitie,vnder the vi- zard of loue and friendlhip, and thereby maketh vs fo rerchleffe and fecure, that in (lead ofoppofition,wee arc readie toreceiue this ferpent into our bofome,and when he incountrethvs with all his forces, fobewitched we arewith theplcafing fightofthis glorious enemie, that we cleere all the paffages, and fet wide open the gates of our foules, to giue him entertainment, voluntarily offeringour Ickes to digge in his mines,and in moll flauifh manner to row in his gallcys,fo as we maybeafl'ured to enioy his companie. And the reafon hereofis,becaufe hec deceiuethvs with his trca- cherie : for at his firh comming he difplaiethnot hisbloody enfigne, but fetteth vp aflagge of £riendfhip,hee afiaulteth vs not withopen force and violence, nor marcheth againfl vs ina terrible and hohile manner, but like a fitbtile ferpent hecunninglyglideth and infinuateth himfelfinto our cons- panic; neither doth he as amartial! enemie (!Tike at vs with downeright blowes, but rather like a craftie witch he be- fottethvs with his pleafing charmes,and with cunning en- chantments before he conquereth vs,hemaketh vswilling to beouercome. He doth incline,and not conflraine, per- (wade, and not ouercome, or rather ouercommcthby per- fwading,andmoh forcibly conhrainethbymouing andin- dining. He doth not vfe againfl vs any outward terrible forces when hee doth befiege vs, but (Sraonlike)with be- witchingeloquence,and counterfeitgifts,heeallurethvs to breake downe the wallesofour flrength,andwith our own hands tomake a cleere paffage for our owne ouerthrow.He Bothnot whenhec commeth to execution, vfe the dreadful! fword,but rather fweete and well-tailing poyfoas, which D hurt