Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

66 The fillBooke Cm A r, 3, Pible Angels, or whatfoeuer elfe, wherewith the Heauen and Earth are beautifully adorned. TheWorld of thefe two Creatures , is either thevn- feene World, Heauen,and Hell,or the Worldvi(ible,and fubiea to our eyes , which ,Mofes in one word termeth Earth. But a better and more apt diuiíon to this pur- pole may be made , to fay, it is either the naturali place andWorld for thefe two Creatures, Heauen for the one, Earth for the other, or Hell accidently for eyther. Heauen , wee call the highefk World, made for theAngels to inhabite. As our f Saukur teacheth , They are as the "Insets in Iieauen. InHeauen g their e4noels al- wayes behold the face ofmy Father which is in Heauen. This it is which the Scripture talleth , h The Heauen ofHeauens , for the exellencie : The i thirdHeauen , for thef tuation aboue theAyre and the Skie, ( bothwhich haue the name ofHeauen) and kParadife , for the plea- fure, being the place ofthe refidence of Gods glory. Earth is the middle World, made for man ,P/.4/.x r ç> r 6. The Neatens are I E .HOVAH s and the Earthwhich be hathgiuen 'unto theTonnes ofmen. Twothings in it come to be confidered, the parts and the ornaments. The parts I call the foure Elements : 'Fire , the vpper- moft Globe wherein was Light, an adiun& and quali- tie ofthe Fire: Ayre (or as Mofes talleth it, an m extent, we improperly theFirmament) comprehendingall that voyde place betweene the Clouds and the Earth, which giueth breathof life to all things that breathe : Water with all the Chancis thereof, theSeas , the. Floods , the Lakes, the Springs : AndEarth, (or the dry ground) the Bottomeand Centre of the World,for man to inhabile. Ornaments, are the things wherewith thefe Elements are gartnifhed and fer forth , being all things necefra ie borts. f .1lrtrke i Mst.18.t0. h r.?Q4g:3.z7. i z.Cor.tast. k a.Cor.rz.4. 1 For the Phi- lofophers a- gree ,that no- thing giueth light, but that which hath fornehre in it: wherefore from '1gl44: Light, the Ch'lcLes were wont to call Fire,orus, whore they worfhipped fur :heir god. In Following the Gre:kes, whoname it, Thole that ph i ntailically teach that Heauen is e- uery-where.