Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 3. of Creation. ly then the Angels did;but that they alto had it, is appa- rant by Gods familiar conference with fldana,Gen.2. 29. Thirdly, They had Dominion and Power ouer all the Creatures of theEarth,and were let as theMonarches of' the World,Ges. i.Let X vs make man after our image,&c. and let them rule osier the fifer of theSea , andotter the Fowles ofthe Ayre,& oser Beaftr,and user the whole Earth, andall creepingthings that creepe upon the Y earth. Which foueraignty of man is declared , Gen. 2. Firft, byGods bringing to Adam all the Beafls of the field, and all the Fowles of the Ayre, puttinghim in feijn and poll-ell-ion of them, and making them toprefent themfelues before him , as fubie&s are wont to doe at their Princes Coro- nation. Then by the names heegane vnto eueryone, that fo hee might know how to call for them,whenfoe- uer he fhould need them, to attend vpon him,and to doe him feruice. Fourthly, They were indued with firengthof nature, not fubieé to fickneffe or other infirmities : Infomuch as their very labour was without all wearineffe , paine or guide, which finne hath brought vponvs, as appeareth by the Curfe , z Gen. 3. Becaufe thou hail obeyed thevoice of thy Wife, and eaten of thefruit ofthe Tree which I for- bad thee, Curled6e the Earth for thy fake: In forrow'bale thou eate of it allthe darer of thy life : In thefweate ofthy face íhalt thouBatethymeate. Fifthly , They were all glorious, both in their bodie, which beingnaked,had an excellent dignitie and come- linef% in it, without the leafl vnfeemelineffe that might make them afhamed, and in their miede furnifhed with all Graces, andnamely, of wifedome and knowledge, vnderaanding the nature of all the Creatures, and able according to their nature, to giue apt names unto them. Lati of all,fora further increafe oftheir happines,they were feated in Paradife, a placeof all kindof pleafure, where for theexercifing of man, to labour in fame hoc G Heil x Gen.r.zd. y Gen.zo.t9.z0 Z