Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP .4. Of Prouidesce. limit and renowned Arehers)turning their 6acke in the day of &attaile, becastfe they kept not the couenant ofGod, but refu- fedtowake inkrisLAw.nS A L O M O N by hisowneexpe- rience confirmeth this ;1 hauePeens that sot alwayes the froiftgetteth the courfe, 'tor thefirongpresaaile in warre,&c. This is that Iudgement whichGod threatneth U in the Law, fmill breake theflafe ofbread,by taking from it all power and vertueof nourifhment,that in the mid deft of abuudance,they Thal cueu die forfàminc. And in the Pro- phet PHos E A,Thourgf theyeate r yet they'hall not defined : though they commit fornication, yet they'hJnot be multi,. plied. Ouer and betideall this, to haue it yet more mani- ;efl,that the whole venue is to be looked for fromhim, he dealeth fometimes vtterly without all mcancs,euen in famine q it felfe preferuing his aline. So tfrtofes r telleth the people,that Godin their hunger fed themwith Manna, which they nor their Aneeffors neuer knew: to make known vnto them, that man liueth not bybreadonely, but by euerie thing that proceedethout ofthe mouth of I E H o V A H :that is, which God by his Commandement giuethpower unto to nourifh. And f E z E c H I A s in his Prayer ackuowlegeth no leffe : O Lord, by thefe things (which thou fpeakcfl and doe+i) men doe lies, yea, in emery oneof thefe confifleth the lifeofmy fpirit : by thefe thou make) me whole,ancl eepef1 mealiue: nuking the miraculous deliue- rance from his ficknelfe, onely by the word that procee- ded out of the mouth of the Lord. Hence arifeth that niofi glorious reioycing of Faith refting vpon the Co- uenant and fauourof God,in the midda+of the want of all worldly helpes. t Though the Figge treefhmkldnot bud, nor no increafe be in theVines, the worke ofthe Oliue lye,and none ofthefields bringforth meat, the enemie cut away the flocksfrom thefold,and no herd be ofthe Bullock!: :yet 1 wil rejoice in I E H O v A H, acrdioy in the God ofmy faluation, Agreeable whereunto is that of the uPfalmif}, Thefe re- member Rorfes; and they Chariots : but we will remember H z the 99 n Ecclef.9.t3: o Leuit,2,6.1.6, p Hef6.4.ra. q Pfa1.33,T9. r Deut. 11.3. fEfay3s.r6. t Ab,143,g;+,Tb. u