Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAF.4. a sued oftheir garments findged,when at the felfe-fame time the vchemcncie ofthe heat consumed the bodies of thofethar came to throw them in ? Of this fort are all his wonderfull Miracles and miraculous deliuerances of his Church and Children ; for whofe fake bee parted k the Sea into hcapes , that his people went ouer as vpon drie ground , brought waters i out of the Rocke rayned k me are fromheauca to feed them in the Wilderneflè,by the fpace of fortieyeeres together, &c. With this abfolute free-will and pleafureof God , is coupled (which is the third Do&rineof theProuidence) the ineuitable necefiitie of the execution ofhis Lounfels; as alto theProphet ioyneth them together , Pfa1.I 15.3. rvhatfoeuer p l ea f eth I E H o V A w, hedotb. And i Paul: Rewerkethall thingsafter the counfell ofhis will. Enquire, faith E s A Y, m ¡nth! Boo&e of I E H o v A H and reads: one ofthese things /hadNotfaile, theyjhall not mile one ano- ther : and iuE ZECHIEL, n IIEHOSAHßtakeand doe tr., Againe, o I willfpeake whatfoeuer word 1 mean to f eakr,and it.fball be done. When Iwake (as i r i s in.the-Pro- phet Y E S A v) who fball turne it away ?Whereunto fer- ue:h that memorable f ntence,wherewith thefame Pro. phet fhueterh vphis burden again({ the Babylonians , to procure credit to all that hee had fpoken; q For I E H o- v A H of 1Y.'slfs determining, who can make it ofnone ffelt ? mud hse handfiretched out, mho can turneaway? Many and excellent are the fpeeches to this purpoli thorowout the holy Scriptures,efpecially in lob and in the Pfalmes:Feare r beforehim; for beefaith and st is ; bee commandeth,and it f ands. I E H coy A H maketh void the counfels oftheNati_ ons;he breaketh the thoughts of the 'People: but the eounfell of I EH o v A x fiandeth for ewer; the thoughts of his heart from generation togeneration : f when he quieteth, whoiZall trouble ? when he hsdeth hits face, whoflail looks vponhim,,? that is, refifieth him ? Loe (faith lob, in t another place) he dothfo throwdoteire, that it as built no more; he fo fhuttetb H 3 vp Of PrBuidencv. ICI h Exod.r4:zt.: Pfat.t360;, i Exod.17.6. k Exod.16.;6. Pfal.' $.z+,zs. 1 Epbef.tar. m Ell' 34.16. n EveiS.;6.3,6 o p EÎay4313 q Ef'ay14z1. r t'(a1.30. f lob 3449. t dob ta.14