Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.4. ita OfProuideflce..>. I05 vniufily throwne into Chaines, and in Erifon findeth fa- uour with his Keel. committing into his hands the charge of all the Priforters. The fame time Godbrought into that place two ofthe Kings chicle Officers , his But_ ler and his Baker, for theiroffences committed, tlaith,r, By theirDrcames,his knowledge and skill ita the inter- pretingof hidden things commeth to be knowne. After which,God himfelfe fheweth to the King a Famine that was tocome; but in a Dreame darke and obfcu're,which onely dofeph was able to expound. By this meanes the Butler calling him to remembrance , when now hee fee- riled utterly w be forgotten,he is Pent for, and prefented to theKing:And by thewifederne whichGod had giuen him, declaring theDreame,and aduifing the bell meanes inpolicie to prcuent it , is made Ruler ouer the whole Land. TheFamine increafing, his Brethren firfl are dri- uen intoEgypt, and there vnwittinglydoe himhomage. After,his whole fathers houle cameto be fed byhim; & fo fulfillthat which the Lord had purpofed. See how he maketh thefe things one to hang vpon another, that in the middeft ofthemoll contingents Aduions,his counfels lhouldyet haue a neceffary effeet.Take another Example out of the Booke of Eller, of the confoundingof proud Haman, the enemie of the Iewes, and defeatingof his cruell and wicked purpofes againft the Church , by the Diuorce ofVafhti the Queene.Godmaketh a way for the lifting vp of ESTER (not knowne to bee a Iew) into her rootne. Mordecai he gouerneth, tobe prefent when the Kings two Courtiers confpired againft him ; which by E/errmeanes was fignified to theKing, they executed, and aperpetuall record madeofall this in the memoriall of thole timnes.When Flamps had obtained an inviolable Edi& (as were the Decreesof the Merles and Perfians, neuer tobee reuoked) for the rooting out ofthe Iewes, and to begunewith had prepared a Gallowes offiftie Cubits high,tohangvp t tordeces,a chicle and a princi- pall