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128 The firfi ;coke ef' l imi itie, CHAP .5. , of the patience and longfufferance of God , is the roote ofall prefumption, the Wife-man teacheth, Ecclef.8. ix. Becaufs fentence againf anmaill worke is not executed fjiee- di), therefore the heart ofthe childrenofmen is fay fee ix them to doeeuil.And the Alaoftle,Rom.2.4. `Des jifei :box the riches o fhis bountie,cfic. not knowing that the bountie of God leadetb thee to Repentance ?But farcegreater it is,and commethneere the top of all Iniquitie, when men doe willingly follow after finne, onely for their pleafure, and becaufe they will doe it,which our Sauiour noteth in the Iewes, IAN8.43. The lulls of yourfather the Deuill,you will (or you loue to) doe. Andof Ephraim the Prophet faith n that willingly they went after the commandement of IEROBOAM. A further thing that the Lawof God requireth in the performance of holyDuties,is,tlaat in themall, whether the Adiions bee inward or outward , wee put forth our felues and the flrengthboth of our foule and bodie , to performe it with our whole force and mightThat Corn- mandement we have, Deut.6.5. Thoushalt lone I E H 0 VA x thy God,with toy whole heart (or minds) and with thy whole lassie,and with thy whole f rength. Where,vnder the word (flrength)henoteth the whole power bothof foule and body ioyned together, as our Sauiour doth inter- pret it; vfing twowords to expreffe that one of firength, namely , Might, which more properly is referred to the body, and chkoia, which is the arength, and power , and fpirit,as it were,of the whole foule,both of the mindand will : and therefore may not vafitly bee tranflated , the power of reafon, or of difcourfe. P A v L is wont to call it, r The f Brit ofour minde. This the Apofile touching the foule,exhorteth vs vnto, when he fait h , q Doing the will ofGodfrom thefoule. r whatfotueryoa doe, wor1efrom the foule.And of the body we haueour Sauiour Chrills owne exhortation, Luke 6.23. Skipand bee glad. An Exatnple, Luke T o.2 y , where bee bimfelfe is faid to reioyce rn the spirit : at liof.s.a. o Luke zo. 2.7. ESr Atark.ia.3o. p EpbeF4.2.3. Bee renewed in the writofyour minde. 9 Ep{ser6 °F r Ced.3,23.