Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

handled in thiaDooke.. Giuing them the honour,and place of fpeaking fire,&c. To them in Authoritie , Subieé} ion in a readic ii,b miffion to their gotternment, andobedience , voluntari- ly to.doe -what they command; or ( when it cannot with; a good confcience bee done ) patiently tobeare thepu-- nifhment. Topublike authoritie of Mugit}racie and- the.Mini- ftrie, fupplyingofCharges, andother neceffaries for the executionof their Office, and a defending of them in the fame. Touching them inprivate Authoritie. ToParents, not marryingwithout their content, and; in their neceífities to releeue them.. ToMaaers, faithful! feruice. To Husbandand Wife each fromother mutual' helpe. and due. benevolence. The Wife alto to- reprefent hey, Husbands vertues, and to fauc that,which hec bring- eth in. Againe, from all Superiours a good example ofgraue and wifecarriage, and-vfing of the things wherein they arepreferred to theothers benefit. From them in Authoritie , firf}, inaru&iott of their Inferiours in the things ofGod, and oftheir ipcciall cal - lings. Then due rccompeuce of good. or, euill at ions,. And lafily, protection from wrongs. From publike Authoritie , that is to .fay., from Ma- gifirates, ,maintenance afwell of true Religion, as of. Peace and Honeftie of life. , From the Minitlrie publike. teaching. Fromprivate Authoritie,prouiüon ofFood and Ray ment, familiarly to teach their Inferiours, and inPrayer togoobefore them. From both the Parents, to apply their Children to that they are fit for, and to prouide for them. The Fa. ther to name the Child, the-Mother tonurfe it. From Maflers,due refpe,ÿt of their Servants trauailes... From..