Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

t F3if11.4.Il. Ros.T.tfy1ó, $8,z9. p Fí0/12.6.6. Thefrrfí? Booke ®fDiuinitie, CH A r. S. phet firfi , and thenout of the Apolile, who both make the breach of the fir!} Table , to bee the caufe that men runne head-long into all offences againtt the fecond. Vpon n the tops ofthe Móatntaines they facr+Mice , and vposz thehi!r.;they offer burnt offerings vnder the Ok , Band Pop- lar, andCline, bec sfe the/haddow thereofisgood. There- fore doyour daughters commitférnication,andyoasr daugh- ters in Lawgoe a whoring. And therefore ® Godxaue them vp to their owne hearts 10,4 , vnto vncleassnefje, to defile their owne bodies betweerre thernfelxer.; which turned the Truth ofGod into a Lye,and worfipped the Creatures;,for faking. the Great* who is Miffed for ewer. For this cawfe godgame themvp to vile a ff`eE ions , vnrighteotefnefJè,for- nication , &c. The duties of the firer Table are greater then the fecond, as they are in order before them. And this is abfolutcly true', comparing like degrees, as mo:rali duties of the one, with morall duties ofthe o- ther, not ceremonial) of the firti Table ,'wirh the moral! ofthe fecond: for in that care it is true which the r Pro- phet fpeaketh ,1am delighted with Mercie , andnot with Sacrifice. So the chiefe , middle and leaf} duties ofthe fiat Table, are to bee comparedwith'r'be like the lat- ter, deeds with dccds,words with words, thougbrs with thoughts and not otherwifei for if youcompare Mur- der with the lean abufeof the Name ofGod, or Adtilte- rie with the !call breach of.the Sabbath, thefe are the greater finnes. For the'meafUre.-avd proportion to bee obfeiued. ita this difference ; Firil, in the feruice or 'Cod our naitne dught tobet more prone,and apt vnto it, our knowledge greater,our judgement riper, our-confcience tenderer, our memorie fresher, our defines and will earnefler , au things to b_ e done with a greater Affeetion, Loue, Approbation, Cheerefulnefie , Feare to offend , Sinceritie ,. Zeale, Watchfulazeffe, and continuance both inProféífion and .A ion,