Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

i62 7'hefrf Booke ofDiuinitie, Ca A P. ? r Noeut.i s.3i, f Afat.if.9. a Matte7,8. Releeretleeia a religious aftM- tn in tin. Seruiçe of God. flied, they (their Images themCelues) jhall perifb. Where- fore all vfe of an Image deuifed by mans braine inGods feruice,is condemned : for when himfelfepleafeth to ap- point them,as he did the Cherubins,&c.vnder the Law, his Commandement maketh it to be lawfuli. So theve- ry words of the Law doe found, Thou floalt not make veto thjfelfe (that is, of thine owne head, and out of the de- vice of thine owne braine.) Secondly, Superfition, that is to fay, all corruption of Gods Seruicc, by adding or taking from, be it in meates and drinkes, obíeruing of dayes and times, ceremonies and minif}eries inuented by men or otherwife. Therefore r whatfoeuer 1 commandyou takeheedeyou doe it ; thou Aaltpat nothing thereto, nor take ought therefrom. In bairn they ivorfhtp mee,teacbingfor dotirines thecommando- menu of men. Thirdly,Taditions,to fignihe and reprefent any grace of God , otherwife then bee hash appointed ; for the which , Chriflf condemned the Pharifes wafhing of hinds and cups, &c.Tee t lay the Commandement of God a- part, andobjerue the traditionsof men; as thewakingofpets aridcups, andmany other fueh like thingsyedoe. C HAP. VIL. Of the third Commandement. N the third Commandement, God would haue his tobec with all Reve- renceand Religion for the Name ofGod, noting out this w hole outward feruice, as that whereby God is made knewne vnto vs : and taking it in vaine, noting e- eerie abufe therein, Phew the reuerent manner of vvor- áhippingGod,to be the fubieet of this Commandement, whether it be in his publils,e orprivate fcruice, Drin the vfng