Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

12 The ftrfi Booke of Dittinitie, CH A I' .I, Speciallyfecne tovs in foure chiefe and principali ver- rues, which in theScripture you shall find for the moll part, togoe by couples or payres. P It i rV1ZIK1 The firft cou- ple are Kind- nefle & Truth. q Prou.r4.2,7.. Kindneffe, in being ready to beftow all good things. r So the Iewith Rabbincs in their language slegantly fay thatGodneuer is hwb ,l till he can no longer bee rwran f t 2.Pet.3.9. u Pfad.1459. x Pf1.36.7. fcruant of God,and of the Lambe, That God onely is holy. The righteoufnellc ofGod is to be feenc infoure chiefs and principali vertues , that haue refpea veto hisreafon. able creatures,in the Scripture you (hall find them for the moll part to goe by couples or payres. The firfl couple is piC ndneffe and Truth fpecially tohis Church,exod.34.6. I E H O V A H,I EH OVA H,d-c,abrsn.. dant inkindneffeand truth. PIa1.25. o.All the pathsof I E- H O V AH are kindnefT' and truth to them that keepe his Co. ',tenant and hisTef ti imonies. Pro. 3.3. Kindniffe an4 truth lee them not forfake. thee:and agame, q ICindrseffeand truth /ball be to them that imagine good. Kindneile is that whereby bee is readie to bellow all good things. The kindneffe of God offereth it felfe to be confidered for the aloft part in thefe degrees. Firíl,his longfuffering, whereby he is flow to wrath, and goeth (as it were) with .ä leadenheel', veto punifhment , and neuer is a God r of vengeancc,till he can no longer be aGod ofpatience. So faith the ApoRie , Rom, 2.4. That God fhewethforth the riches of bis patience and longfuferance to this end, that the kindneffe ofGod might lead vs to Repentance. And f `Peter giucth, as for a moticleerelooking-glaffe tobehold this long fufferance of God in, both his long patience and wayting for of amendment in the dayesof 2,oe, whilell the Arke waspreparing, an hundred and twentie yeeres,and r his forbearing to defiroy the world. Now, to the end that none ofhis may perifh,but al come to Repentance. Secondly; His bountie and goodneffe, gluing liberally all good things, as thePfalmi(l faith, U I E H O V A H i good toall,aced his kindne fj"e is otter allhisworkr.And againe, ' Thou I E H o v A H preferuef men and beats. Thirdly, and fpecially, in his grace ana fauour, «vherea byhoe beiloweth all thefe things , without refpe& of our worthineffe or vnworth, as our Sauiour, Mitt.5.4S tea-