Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.!. C0NCefninag GOD. long toGod , appeareth in that by this note hee diffe_ renceth himfelfc from all otherCreatures. For whenhe faith, c Doe not 1fill Ieanen and Earth ? bee meaneth, that none other Both fo. It is to be obferued , that het faith there, 4m14godhereat hand(faith I fi H oY A H) and am /not a Godfarre of ? I) oe Inot fill Heauen and Earth? As if hehad Paid that, which none but God can challenge. God therefore is onely Infinite : Hee onely is that Circle,whofe Centre is euery where, and Circum- ferenceno where , who alone d meafureth the Waters in his f s`lt, andcounteth theHeauens with aBanne. As the Prophet would haue vs tovnderfland, when bee fetteth the fame , as a fpell to any whatfocuer , that }oolifh men ¡hall dare to make likeunto him. From this infiniteneffe of God , three things maybe leancd. Fiat , The fingle- neffe ofhis nature,admitting noqualityor other accident,forin that which is infinite, how can there any thing haue place , that is not of the offence? Go D therefore bath neither compofition nor-diuifion, parts, or members , paílions or affe6}ions , or o- ther accidents, but whatfoeuer is in God, is God himfelte ,which is themeaning of our Sauiour Cbrift, when he calleth ,e him a Spirit : not as if bee were a Spirit , of like nature as the Angelsare,or the foules ofmen, for that were roof} erroneous and blafphemous for to thinke : but becaufe Spiritshaue a moft fingle & unmixedna- ture:under the fameword,he reprefenteth vnto vs that moft Jingle and fpirituall el- fence of G o D ,which Drill things in the World theSpirits come neereft to. Now, The Anthro- pomorphites, becaufc the fcripture (pea.. Itchofthe eyes of God , his hands,fcer,and other parts,(& likewife ofhis Loue, Anger, Hatred,& filch like) imagined God to haue truly and pro- perly, Limbes, and parts of' a Body, and the paflions and affcftions ofa man : whereas there things are fpokenbut to our capaci- tie who can.. not conceiue how the a&ions, which God is raid todoe,can bee performt- ,witho not that trucly and properly there are anymembers or pafl'ionsin G C 3 that 2í c Ter. 2,3.23.. d Efy4^.is. And therefore ofa men fingle nature ( that whatfòeuer is in God, isGad himfelfe) e Iob4 4.=44 ut fuchhelpes: ads