Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

7-he firfl BoOke of f,Ditiinitie, CETAP.I. Jaw hisglory andfIsake of him. Contrariwife,he belloweth vpon his Children all good graces. Therefore , the Apo- ilk }le continually prayeth for Grace and Peace from him. k Johnr5.r6, He fendeth the Holy Spirit vnto them , The k Comforter whom 1 will fend. And lohn 20. a 2. He breathedvpon them. andfaid, Receiue the Holy Ghofl, Hee giueth Faith, as ap.. 1 Luke r7.5': peareth by that prayer of the Apoflles, t Lord increafe our Faith. Pardoncth and remitteth finncs, and that by mLuke7.48.49 his ovine Authority ; He it faidvnto her, Thyfinnes are forgiuen thee. And they thatfate downewith him , began to fayin zhemfelues, Who it this that doth alloforgiuo f rues?As n Luke n elfewhere,vpon the Lke occafion,they faid,He did bla/_ pheme, grounding themfelues vpon a certaine truth, That none canforgitteJinxes, but Godanal . He wafheth and fan- &ifieth theChurch as a glorious Spoufe unto himfelfe; which becaufe it is the proper werke ofGod,is therefore $cm.r.r4. exprefly O attributed to his Spirit, or Diuine Powcr.And by this Argumentt,heconfirmeth hisGod_head, As the Father raifeth the dead (in finne) and quickeneth,fo alto the Sonnequickenethwhomhewill. This is he, which is to fudge the World John 5.22.7he Father iudgetbno man, but hathcommitted all iudgement to the Sonne. Hee rayfeth vp byhis mightie voyce,the bodies ofthe dead,Ioh.5.22 p lohn 5,28. p For the time /hallcome,when all thatare in thegraues,Jhall heare the voyce ofthe Sonne ofmsn,andJZall comeforth. So grohn 6.34,40. in q anotherpiace , .And l will raifehimvp in the latter Day,Rom.t.4. he is laid to haue rayfed vp hirnfelfe. And r lohn loss. in I o H N,11 hauepower to laydowne my foule , and to take f John rr.25. itvpaçaiae.rea,he is called the f Refurrei ion;toiiote that bee doth this of himfelfè, and by his owne authority : who, were bee not God , could not rayfe vp himfelfe, much Idle ralle vp and quicken others. To conclude, t lohn r.r z. as a Crowne of all the ref#, this is he, which t to as many as receiue him , giueth this dignitie to bee the Sonnes of God, n R eu°l. T.G. u bath madevs Kings and Priefis to Codhis Father : and x l;ow.6.26. giueth cuetlalinglifc ( which x is the gift of God a- lone.)