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zo rhatdrtenk noes is the catsfeofmanyfearfwllpunifhmentr infli6led bothvpon the Prince and people : for while} Bel- íhazzar was feaf}ing and drinking among(} his thoufand Princes, the Lord by ahand writing vpon the wall paffed the fentence of death and def}ru&ion againft hirn, the which was executed the fame night by Darims and the Merles and Perfians, who canne vpon them in the time of their feafling and drunkenneffe, killing the King, and far- prizing the City, and with it the whole Monarchy, as ap- Dan,5,.,3o. pearethDaniel5.a.3o. §.SeEt.6. The d>vsnktrd ù pren4ed i<< henfoule. I. By (éfing the vfe of¡Tajo. §.SeE,y. 2.wieh hard. nes ofhurt . fiall impeni tcnyie. §.SeE1.8. But as the drunkard is punifhed in his body, fo alfo in his foule : for firf}the Lord doth infatuate them, and depriueth them ofthevfe of reafon and vnderílanding, and that moll iuiily : for when they will not be ruled by reafon,which the Lord,hathappointed as their foueraigne,& as viceroy next under himfelfe in the little common-wealth ofmans body, he taketh away from them their naturali and lawfull King, andfubieaeth them to the tyrannical) gouernment of their filthyand vnruly tufts. For what fhould they do with rea- fon who will not vfe it ? and why fhould theyhaue the vn- derí}anding of men, who dcmeane themfelues worfe then the brutifh creatures ? Secondly, the Lord giueth thedrunkards ouer tohardnes of heart,fecurity,& finali impenitencie, as bath beenPhew- ed for as exceffiue drinking bringeth a dead fleepevpon thebody,fo alto a fpirituall lethargic vpon the foule,rwhich fo floppeth the cares, and taketh away thevnderf}anding, that they can neither heare the í}i11 melodious found of Gods mercies, nor yet the thundringnoire of Gods fcare- full threatnings& heauy iudgements calling them to repen- tance : but as they are not allured by the one,fo they are no whit terrifiedwith the other, but continueHill in this dead fleepoffin,till they are awakenedby the voice ofthe Arch- angell,and fummoned to iudgement. So that their wine to them is nobetter thenbewitching & deadlypotions,wher- by the great Magician Satan keepeth them in a perpetuall fleepe of Gn,and their drunkenneffe ferueth as a fwift chari- ot,which with headlong fpeed carrieth them into hell. Arad thefe are thepunilhmcrits which are infli&edvpon drunkards