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The excasfisofdrunkards tapesaway. 1r 5 in conquering theyarc ouercotnc s and are thamefully foiled and ouerthrowne by Satan their cheife enemy , whilfl they triumph in a drunkenviaory ouer their friends ?And there- forelet not thefe men for wantofvenueboat}of theirvices, wherein-they (hall but fomc out theirowne fhame, and di(- couer their naked filthineffe; for whilea they thus bragge oftheir naturall tirength, they plainely(hew their fpirituall weakeneffc; and whilefi they vaunt of theft drunkencon. qucfls,theycicerely prooue that they are no better but the diuels captiucs. Secondly, they iuflifie their wickednefl;e,by alleaging for 5.Seíir.7. themfclucs,that God bathgiuen thegrape and wine for the i eelo d ex. vfc ofman : and that not onely for his nece{fity, but alto for g'juefor iN delight,that by more liberali drinking bee may haue a mer- vje:fewau. rieheart . To which! anfwer,that howfocuer this prooueth the lawful! vfeofwine ioynedwith fobrietyand moderati- on ,yet it fcrueth nothing to approouc theabufe in excci e anddrunkctrnetTc,nayrather thecontrary fromhence may be concluded ; for it was giuen to make she penfiuemerry, and the forrowfull glad, andnot tomake thofewho arcal- readiemcrrie,mad andfranticke .It wasgiuen to chcercthe heart,and not tooppreffc it; to comfort the flomacke, and not to loade and glut it; to worke in vs fuch a fpirituall ioy, as (hould inticcvsto praife Godsname in thefruitionofhis gifts,of which our Prophet HofeaCpeaketh, Cap.2.i 5.and not fuck a worldly and carnali ioy , as fheweth it (elfe in fil- thy ribauldry, and impious blaíphemics. Inaword, the Lord doth bellow vponvs,not onely thecompetent wages offufficiency, but alto theextraordinaryvoiles ofplenty & abundance, char therebywe maybe incouraged to performe veto him more fai thfull and checrefull fcruice, and not that through our abufing them to exec&Te , we thould difableour flues forall good duties, andbe well fitted for the feruiceof the dwell. Laaly,they alleage for the defenceoftheir drunkennef e, T .Set R$ Fen that they vie it not for any delight which .theytakein drin- r,arti vfe king,hut as the bell remedy prefcribedby the learnedPhy- drunkenneQe ration for the curing of fame dangerous difeaCes,,towhich for Phyrrke. C62 they