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Thatwharedowein thefe dales 'Wickabotsndeth. t29 peoplewill byno meanes be cleanfedfrom their finne, the country tabourethto cleanfe it (elfe, bothofit and them,and fpuethout all his inhabitants,that together with them it may bedisburthened oftheir corruptions. Now amongft all other finnes wherewith the land is de- §.SeEI.2 filed,and the flomackeof the Common-wealth fo furchar- Magifirates ged , that it cannootherwife cafe it felf:, but by vomiting and Minijtert out all the inhabitants,the tannes ofvncleanne(Te do hold the muff tapie fo chiefe place . And therefore as it behoueth theMagiflratcs j pprjgs i» in zeale for Godsglory , andin loue to their country,to draw tnhoredemne. out the (wordof iuflice for the punifh;nentof thefe finnes, Leuit.A.2ç. that hereby theymay preuent the fword ofGods venge- 27.18 ancc, which otherwife will punifh the whole land; and to purge the country, eitherby reforming the faulty, or in- ßiaingon them deferuedpunifiment; foa)fo itbecommeth Gods faithfull Miniflerstoaflifìthe fwordoftheMagiíhate with the fwordofthefpirit ; and as he reflraineth them from thefe finnes for feareortemporall punifhment,fo they are to labour that theymay abthin from the for confciencefake, cuco then when as in refped of their clofc a&lug of their vncleannefre they are fccured from all dangeroflaw. Inconfidcration whereof, I thought it myduty( being§Sea -.; called to this fun&ion, andappointed by the Lord tobec a Thatour [and' watchman to tell the people of their tannes) to fpeake and defiledútbgty writeagainfl thefe filthy vices ofwhorcdomeand vnclean- whoredom. netfe;and that the rather,becaufc Ganes ofthis kind,in thefe latter times are exceedingly increafed in this our country. And howfoeuer the grand finckes and filthy (ewers ofthe land , the common ílewes , which heretofore were to the (flame ofreligion citherlicenfedor tolerated , arcnow by the laudablecare of our Magihrates taken away , fo as our country is not fo noyfomc through the confluence ofthe common filth, nor the vncleanneltefo great an eycfore, be- caufc it dothnotas in former times lie opento publike view; yet the filthineffe ofour people is not cleane purged with the cleare Ureamesof true repentance; but rather the common fincke is deuided into manyfilthy channels which moue fe- cretly into private houles, and make euery corner noyloin S and