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How thefornicatorfinnetheegainghis neighbour. 143 make him to forfake this vncleane lodging to theirown de- ftruetion. Knowyenot(faith the Apoflle)thatyonrbody isthe templeof theholy Ghoft,which is inyou?Andin another place r Cor,6 19. Knowyenot thatye are the templeof god,andthat the f frit o f& 3 í6.1.7. Goddwelleth inyou ? Ifanymandeftro the temple ofGod,him ¡hall God defiroy : for the templeofGodis holy,whichyeare. CHAP. V. That the fornicatorgrieuouflie finnethagain/ his neighkanrt. ND thus haue I fliewed that the fornicator §.Seét.T. grieuouflie finneth againfl God. In the next Thef rnicaror place I will fhew, that healto hainoufly offen- fxncth Erie. deth againfl men,and that bothhis neighbour uoußyagtinß and himfelfe. Againft his neighbour he offer- the perfon deth,whetherwe refpeaparticular perfons,or whole focic. rrhor he rle ties.He finneth againft particular perfons:as frfl againfl the party with whom the folly or ftlthineíhe is committed, by drawing her togetherwith himfelfe, into the fame finne & condemnation;for this pernicious mifchiefe accornpanieth this fin,as beingalmofl peculiar vnto it, that whereas other fnnes, as Idolatry, blafphemy, prophanation ofthe Sab- bath, murther, theft, falfe witneffebearing, euill concupi- fcence, and fuch like, may be committed alone ; this fin of whoredome doth alwaies draw in a couple into the fame wickedneffe, the fornicator and his harlot, for two at once are defiled,two killedas it werewith oneblow,and two fall together into the fame finneand condemnation; fo that aI mot+ no finne more inricheth the dominions of the Prince of darkneffe with a numerous multitudeofhellifh fubie&s, then this of whoredome, in that theywho hue in this finne § Sea, 2. donot goe Tingle, but bycouples into hell. Fornication Whereby it appeareth, that howfocuer this finne is but f °rnere¡peas lightly efleemed,& turned into a iefl among($wickedmen, ri en eitherua yet in this and fome other refpe6is, it isworfe Rt more per- tbefr or ticious toour neighbour, then either theft or murther, and tber. oftentimes.