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144" How thefornicator 'wiled, again;his neighbour. oftentimes more vncomfortable to our owne confciences. It exceedeth theft euen in theft ; for the thiefe onely (trip- pech the body, but the fornicator fpoileth the foule of his chiefeornaments, purity, and chaftity ; the thiefe taketha- waymomentany riches , which oftentimes doe the owner little goad,& fometitnes much hurt, when as they through abufe become the Mammonof iniquity, and furtherances in finne ; but thefornicator robbed' his neighbour ofGods graces,a goodconfcience,cleannes ofheart,purity ofbody & foule,and finally of the affurance ofhis faluation. And fo altohe exceedeth the murtherer, euen in the aet ofmurthe- ring ; for the murtherer ini1iaeth deepe wounds in the bo- dy,thewhich fometimes maybe cured and healedbyearth- ly rneanes;but the fornicator grieuouflywoundethbothhis owne foule,and the foule of his neighbor,which no world- ly thing can cure, but onely the foueraignebalme ofChrift Iefushis preciousbloud : the murtherer whenhe bathdone his worft,doth onlykill thebody, and in the meane time he who is killed being a faithfull Chriftian, isneuer theworfe, becaufe, this temporary death is but a paffage into life eter- nall; but the fornicator deftroieth the body and foule ofliis neighbour eternally, bydrawinghim into finne,thè wages whereof is euerlafling deathvnleffe it be preuentedbyhar- tyand vrrfained repentance ; yea and which is more horri- Rom.6. z3, ble and vnnaturall, he withthe fameblow a1fpm.tlrthereth hinifelfe. The murtherer in i tetbonly theemil of ptinillí- ment, the which poyfon the Lord;fo. tépereth with his .gifts. and graces, that it becommeth a wholefome medicine to curehis feruants of their fpirituall difeafes ; but.the fornica- tor intli&eth the euill offinne,,whichwithout repentance is, accompaniedwitheternall condemnation. s SeEt.3. And in this refpe& alfo this finne of,whoredo le ism-Oft The finne of vncomfortable,and deftitute ofalrpëaceofconfcicnce ; for mhoredeme r hereas they who commit other finnes, (Inning alone may mof vncorn- alto repent alone, and vpon the affurance of their true con- fertable, uerfio mayrecouer their formerpeace ofconfciencebeing by Gods gracious promifes afcertainedof his fauour ; the fornicator euenafter himfelfe hath repented ofhis fin, can not