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2 Ceremonies andrites vfed in(wearing. § SeEt.2. Andfir[I to begin with the generall definition : An oth tr What aft ct{, a religiousandfolemne atteftattonof gods holyname, whereby ° we inuocate him as awitnefe andfurety to confirme the truthof our f#eech;and ar a lodge to puntfh vs ifweBeak!falfcy. Ofthis there are diners formes,and diuers ceremonics.In repe&ofthe diners formes,an oth is either Pimple & dire&, or compound and indire&. Simple,when aswe plainly and direó }1y call God to witneffe . So the Apo[Ile,Rom.1.9. God is my witnefewhom Iferise inmy (j'irit. &c. Compound, when as there is a praier or-pawne annexed. The praier annexed to an oth is either the defire of fome good; as,Sogod helpe,faue,orprofperme:orthe imprecatió offome euill ifwe fweare falfely,as, Goddoefo,orfovnto me, if I doe not fpeake the truth. So alfo inour othes we fome- times pawne and pledge vntoGod thofe things which are deere vnto vs,as it were fureties ofour truth;:as,Bymyfoule, by myfaith, &c. that is,I pawne my foule & faithvnto God, for the confirmationof this truth So lofeph fwoe by the life Gcn.4i..t ç. ofPharaoh, Gen. 1.2. 15. and Paul,t. Cor.15.3 i . By ourre- i,Cor ts, ;t. tvycing which l,hasein Chrit term our Lord,' die daily. §. SeE1.3. The ccremonici,vfed in fwearinghaue bin diners indicers Ceremonies & times.In 4brahams time when they took an oth they lifted rite vfedin vp their hand towards heauen; thereby fignifying that they (wearing. fwore by him whofe thronewas feated in the higheil hea- Gen.tq.zz uens. The like ceremony wasvfed by the Angel,Dan.i 2.7. .9bcn. So alfo inferiours inthe fame time fwearingvnto their fupe. Ezra. riours and Mailers, put their hand udder their thigh, by Gen za, z. & which ceremony they fignified their fubie&ion, and that 4'2=9 they bound themfelues to perpetual) feruitude,if they did not fpeake truly. InSalomons timewhen as,they took an oth they touched i,King 8, 31. theAltar, thewhich ceremony was alfo vfed amongeil the Gentiles; whereby was fignihed that they did call him to witneffewhowas worfhippcdwith facrifices offeredvpon thofeAltars. The lewes ashen they folemnly fvvore by Gods holy name,vfed to touch theBible , the which ceremony is alfo in vfe in thefe times;whereby is fignified that they çall him