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That whoredome ss thepunit ment ofotherfinnes. I 61 dominions thereof; but alfo Spaine and Italic do fufficiently teflifie andprooue. Of the other we hue anexample inA- mazsah the Priefl,who becaufe he defpifedGods word,and oppofed againfl the Prophet Amos, had this heauypunifh- ment denouncedagainfl hitn,Amos 7.16. Thoufait, Pro- pheue not again Ifrael, andfpeaknothing againfl the houfe of Ifkak. 17. Therefore thusfaith the Lord,thywife(hall beean harlot in theCity, &c. And thus it appeareth,that whoredom is the punifhment ofother fins, and that nofmallpunifhment, feeing thereby fuch greatfinnes, as Idolatry and contempt of religion are punifhed by the Lord, who holdeth fotne proportionbe- tweene thepunifhment and the finne. And as it is great in it (elf, fo in this refpeAit is more grieuous, in that the whore-. mongerrather efleerneth it his chiefedelight thenhis pu- nifhment, and fo fecurelycontinuethunder the bondageof it andhis other finnes, without fenfe ofhuart, and confe- quently without remorfeofconfcience;for when the paine of thepunifhnent exceedeth not the pleafure ofthe finne ; the pleafuredothmore delight themalefac9ors,then thepud nifhmentdoth terrifie them ; whereof it commeth to paffe that hauingaprofperous gale in their opini6 to blow them on forwards in their euill courtes, they are giuen ouer to a reprobate mind, andcontinue in their finnewithout griefe or wearincffe. CI.IAP. X. Thatwhoredome is the caufeof manygrieuoua punifhments. Vt as whoredomis the punifhment of other fins;fo alto it Idle as a grieuous fin is punifh- ed with Gods heauy iudgements. Andbe- caufe men who are Godsdeputies do often - times winke at it,& carelefelypaffeouer the due execution of iuflice in the punifhment of this finne ; therefore the Lord oftentimes taketh the X caufe AMAOS 7.16'. §.SeEt.4. That whore- dome ie afeare fu ll punfh. ment, §.ScE2.t. That God him (elfe punifhetb whoredome whenmen rniakeat it.