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6.Seet.3. t7boredome is thepunit - mentof ido Lathy, Rom. I , a 3.24 HoL4.ts.r3 §.SeEt.3. Wboredome is the punifh- ment ofthe contempt of Gods word. t.60 That whoredome is thepunifhment ofotherfinnts. ceiue the fentenceofeternal' condemnation. Morc efpecially whoredome is the punifhment ofidola. trie,as it plainly appearcth Rom. I . 2 ; . 4 . For becaufe the idolatrous Gentiles turned theglory ofthe incorruptibleGod, into thefmilitudeofthe imageofa corruptible ma,c ofbirds andfoursfooted beafls , andofcreeping things..therefore alfo Godgaue them vp totheir hearts lulls , vntovncleannefe,to defile their owne bodies betweene themfelues, &C. Sobecaufe the Ifraelitcswent awhoring after idols; therefore theLord gaue ouer their daughters and fpoufes to their owne filthy lufls,to become harlots andwhores,andwould not reliraine them from their whordornesby his fatherly chaftifements. Hof.4, 12.13. The like experience we haueat this day in the Papi fts,who becaufe they are the moltfhatncful l idolatersof thewhole world , therefore bccing giuenvp ofGod to their owne vncicannelTe , they doe alto exceed in fornication, whoredomc and filthy Sodomy; as the hih ories ofal times doe plaincly tef}ifie , and as common fameat this day foun. dcth their infamy in this behalfe in euery mans cares. Secondly, whorcdome is inflited as a puni(hment vpon thole who are contemnersofGods word, &oppofe them. Celues agaìnfl the Preachers thereof ; for becaufe men will not fufferthemlelues to bec guided with the light ofGods truth, therefore theLordgiuethouer both themand theirs, to beeblindedwith their owne filthy lufts , and to beeouer- ruled and mifleadby their vncleane pafl'tons,cill they fal vn- recouerably into the runeof whoredome; and becaufe they difhonour the Lord by delpifing his word, he will caute theirwiues and daughters to diflionour themwith their for- nications and adultery . Ofthe former we haueanexample in theIlraelites,whowhé theymoll contemnedGods word and defpiled his Prophets, did allo moll exceed in filthie whoredome; and in the hatersand perfecutorsof Gods true religion & faithful feruantsat this day,asnamcly,theTuikes, Papifts andFamilils,who as they aboue al others contemns the pureand vndefilcdwordofGod,fo -alWo are theyof all o- ther men moli flained anddefiled withwhoredome, and all manner of vncleanncfe , as notonly Turky with the large dominions