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The punïfhments of whoredome in this life. -_ 163 brutifh, yet is compaffed ,arid: bought at the higheft prifcs. For much is (pent vpon filthy bawdes and pandors, which ate their inflruments 8z.fa6tiyrs which they vfe for the com- pafting of their delires much is confumedvpon their har- lots ingifts and rewards,as money, appareil, iewels, orna- ments, in mulickc, dancing, reuelling, fca(ling, andban- queuing, all which Is beflowed to pleafe their (Trumpets,& to inflame their owne Tufts, which naturally wouldToone languifh and faint,if they werenot reuiued, and anew rein- forced by tlnefe incitements and prouocations, which are the fuell of luic whereby it is kindled and nourifhed. In all which refpe&s theharlot is like vnto abottomleffe gulfe, intowhichmenbeingcarried with the tempefluous 'forms of their ovine lulls and paffions, doe make fhipwracke of their whole eftate, they in the meane timebeeing neuer the richer vponwhom it is beftowed. And this the Wife man obferued in his time, Prouer.29.3. Hee thatfeedeth harlots, Prou,29.3. aleth hisfubfl'ance. Neither is a wife, many children, and a great family fo charegeáble as one harlot, nor fo foone bring a man towant and mifery. For he that with the pro- digall Tonne doth banquet and reuell it among& harlots, will within awhile be glad tobee a fellow commoner with Luk.r 5, fwitne, and tomake ahogftie his dining parlour. Secondly, the fornicator is punifhed in his perfon, and §.Seu . that diuerfly, as firft inhis name ; foras he doth difhonour God pun.i[hct(o Godmany waiesbyhis finne,fo doth the Lordcaufe him to fornicators be difgraced ambngft men, and infliaethvpon his name & with infam4 and diferedit. credit fuch a deepeand incurable woundofdifhonor,that his Pro.6.33. reprochfhaldneuer beputaway. With this accordeth the fay- ing ofthe Con of Syrach, Chap..9.9. Everywoman that isan Eccl 949. harlotfhalhbeetroden vnderfoot asdung, ofemery one thatgo- eth by the way.The whichalthough it may fecme a.fmall pu nifhmét to thofe whohaving fet.their credit to.fale,are.b.e corne fhameleffe & ianptident; yet it is farm otherwife with thofe who are ofan ingenuous and honeft difpo(tion, who as they preferre their life before riches, fo they makemore precious account oftheir good.natne thé oftheir liues,chu- y 2 g fin