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§.SeEI-.7. God punifheth Mc fornicators body with loth - fomc difeafes. 166 thepknifhments of whoredorne in this life, affe flew a i000. men, was fo bafely deuotcd to the harlot Dalilah,that whenhe was bewitched withher allurements, he couldnot côceale from her his chieffecret,which impor- tedhim no 1e11é thé his life,though he had often experience of hertreachery& falfehood.AndSalomó fo much admired for his wifdom,was fobefotted vpon his wiues and concu- bines,that they withdrew his heart fromGod, who had in_ richedhim aboueall other with his gracious benefits, & in- ticedhim to ioine with them in their groffe idolatry.So that no flrength is able to incounter theviolence of thefe fleíhly lulls; no wifdome canpriuiledgemen frombeeing deluded and abufed with the cunningwiles ofthefe filthy harlots. Thirdly, Godpunifheth the fornicator in his body with grieuous fickneflès and lothfome difeafes ; for fo wifely bath he ordred it byhis wifdome andprouidence,that they who will tafle the hony of this fanne, (hall alto feele the fling of punifhment; for it fpendeth the vitali fpirits, con- fumeth and extinguifbeth the naturali heate and moiflure, which are theonely preferuers ofhealth, flrength and life; whereoffolloweth the corruption ofthebloud,diffolution ofthe finewes,rottennes ofthemarrow, aches in the ioints, crudity in the flomacke, paine in the head, lameneffe in the limmes, gouts, pallies, and innumerable difeafes. Befides all which naturali and ordinary Cckneffes and infirmities, the Lord bath of late punifhed this finne with that moll lothfoineand defperat difeafe, which is fo odious euen to carnali men,that all nations are ashamed to owne it;where- of it is, that it is diuerflycalledbydiuers people, as theNe- apolitane,Indian, & Frenchdifeafe, which was neuer heard of in the dales of our anceflours, till men in an vnufuall manner multiplying their filthie lulls, the Lord not much a- boue anhundred yeeres lince, brought vpon them this vn- ufuall punifhment,which is now grown almof} as common as the finne. Theconfiderationwhereof fhould mooueall men, wholeliues are more deare vnto them then their lulls, and whole health and flrength is more valued then afhort and brutifh pleafure to leauc thisfin,anel loth thefe harlots; who in this rcfpea maynot vnfitlybe compared to fweet, but